Haughton Outdoors 2013 Team Bass Fishing Tournament

NO ENTRY FEE – $3,000 Guaranteed In Payouts!

If you’ve ever thought about fishing a bass tournament but didn’t because of high entry fees, low payouts, crowded boat ramps, or you don’t have a big bass boat with live wells….CHECK THIS OUT!

Haughton Outdoors is offering a NO ENTRY FEE team bass tournament and GUARANTEEING at least $3,000 in payouts! Payouts will be given all the way to 20th place. We are even giving away $50 to the smallest 5 bass limit! To show that we value the up and coming anglers in our area we are awarding 5 places for Youth Big Bass.

Our goal is to provide an excellent bass tournament, help men learn about area churches and ultimately to tell men about Jesus Christ. Jay Yelas will be on stage during the weigh in. He was the 2002 Bass Master Classic Champion and has been FLW and B.A.S.S Angler of the Year. Along with giving fishing tips, Jay is going to tell everyone the greatest tip of all….who Jesus is and why he lives for Him.

We will have a walk through registration and rules signing on Friday night from 6:00pm – 8:00pm at Haughton First Baptist Church’s gym. One member of your team must attend. Every team will be randomly placed into a Flight (grouping of 4-8 teams). At the end of weigh in the Flight with the most weight will win up to $50 per person. But, every member of the flight must be present at the end of the weigh in or the prize goes to the next highest team with everyone present.

Tournament hours are 6:00am – Noon (last cast). Everyone must be in the weigh in line at Haughton First Baptist Church’s gym by 1:00pm. You may fish Caddo, Bistineau, Cypress/Black Bayou, Cross, or Black Bayou Hosston. Everyone must declare where they are fishing on Friday night and may not change locations. All fish caught from a slot lake will be measured. Fish DO NOT have to be kept alive. We will have a fishery biologist measuring fish.

Free lunch will be served during the weigh-in. Weigh in will take place in the air conditioned gym so invite your family to come and watch.

You can print out the rules/registration and turn it into Haughton First Baptist Church or Eastwood Baptist Church during weekly office hours or on Sundays. Turn it in by July 31 and you will be entered to win a $100 Bass Pro Gift Card. Go to www.eastwoodbaptist.com or www.fbchaughton.org to print the rules and registration form.

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