Bass Tackle Hoarder

I subscribe to the theory; if one is a bass angler, then most likely one is or will become a bass tackle hoarder. Personally, this is not viewed as a problem, but simply a condition where perfectly good bass tackle goes on hiatus. This merely confirms one day when least expected, the stored tackle will once again become a principle player in the angler’s arsenal.

Bass Tackle Hoarders

Recently, She Who Shall Be Obeyed was telling one of her friends about all the tackle I keep in my man room and the garage. She was indicating these items should be offered at a yard sale. I was totally shocked at this comment and decided to dig in my heels making it clear these items are not for sale under any circumstances. These are my treasures, and I fully expect them to stay with me until I die. I know comments like this are a bit extreme, but threatening my tackle stash is obviously a violation of the red line.

Bass Tackle Hoarder: How does it happen

How did this stash happen anyway? It is the culmination of over sixty years of hunting for bass. This hoard of tackle and equipment is chock full of a lifetime of memories and visions of bass conquests. How can one possibly part with such treasures? There is a logical explanation about how anglers develop these stashes. If someone must be blamed, then start with Ray Scott. He is the one who started the bass fishing revolution that appealed to the masses. Ray Scott and his cohort in crime Forrest L. Wood came up with the concept of competitive bass fishing from a real bass boat. Before them, fishing was simply a walk on the bank with some bloodworms and a bobber. In Ray Scott and Forrest L. Wood’s bass fishing vision, good anglers need lots of “stuff” to catch trophy bass. Good ‘olé boy anglers Orlando Wilson and Bill Dance, who both enthralled early television audiences, capitalized on Ray and Forrest’s initial vision. Then came bad boy Roland Martin, who could sell just about anything. Heck even Roland’s famous cry, “OH Son” is still an often-used cry during a bass strike. It just seems reasonable, as a bass angler, I just had to have some of those guaranteed fish catchers and a slick boat to terrorize the local waterways.


Over the decades, I have continued to upgrade my tackle arsenal. These upgrades did not mean my old tackle was bad; it was just a simple upgrade. However, I save the old stuff because I might need it someday. As a male of the species, this only seems logical. It is not my fault new stuff continues to hit the market. My only pledge, I am far from finished with my stash. I fully expect it to keep growing as long as I still have a man card. Makes me wonder if this is an affliction or a blessing.

Bass Tackle Hoarder: make peace

I think I need to negotiate a treaty with my wife. I will no longer mention her stash, a temple of beauty product chemistry fully engulfing her bathroom; if she will stop attacking my stash of bass fishing tackle dwelling in my man room, the garage and the boat. After re-reading this statement, I might want to come up with a different comparison. Maybe I should consider thinning the herd a bit.


Bud Kennedy

One Response

  1. FloridaFishinFool November 17, 2018

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