Bass Club Rules 2

Are you starting a bass club? If so this might be just what you are looking for. The rules for a bass club can vary and it is up to the originator to create a set of rules that can be adapted to the clubs needs. Below you will find a sample of some simple bass club rules. Feel free to edit them to suit your bass club.

You will also want to make sure that the tournament rules are clear. The number of fish that can be held in a club member’s possesion at one time, when the weigh in is to be held, or the format of the tournament is going to be team, draw, or single.

Be sure to cover club dues whether they are paid monthly or yearly and also the tournament fees. Most clubs hold some type of meeting. Your meetings can be held at the tournaments, a week before or after the tournament or you can hold them online. Yes, you can hold them online in the Ultimate Bass Forum. We offer free bass club message boards to any club that would like one. It is a great place to hold your meetings, vote on lakes and also find great bass fishing reports for the lakes that you are going to fish.

Good Luck with you new bass club and feel free to email if you have any questions about starting your own bass club. Laurie has helped start several clubs and is an active bass club member.

1. Club Dues $10 a year.
2. Club meetings will be on third Sunday of the month at 7:00 pm at the “Location of Choice” in “City”.
3. Entry Fee $20 of which $15 goes to the tournament pay out, $3 to Big Bass Pot, and $2 to club treasury.
4. Club will fish 11 tournaments a year with out fishing in December.
5. Tournaments will be held on the 4th Sunday of the month. Hours will be 30 minutes before sunrise and weigh in will be at 3pm.
6. Life jackets must be worn when boat is on plane.
7. Lakes to be fished will be nominated and voted on at the meeting prior to the tournament. Can not fish same lake twice in a row.
8. A member can not fish with the same member two tournaments in a row, unless scheduling is impossible.
9. The minimum length for any bass that can be weighed in will be 12″. On slot lakes or lakes with greater minimum length limits, fish caught that do not meet state regulations will be measured on a golden rule, their length recorded and released immediately; weight will be determined by the golden rule standard. All legal fish and a piece of paper with your paper lengths written on it must be brought to the scales for weigh in. Fish measurements for paper weight will be rounded to highest ¼ inch
10. Team limit will be 7 fish.
11. Tournaments will be a team draw format, meaning you draw for a partner but points are awarded as a team.
12. Points system: 25 for first, 22 for second, 20 for third, 19 for forth, 18 for fifth and so on. Participation points will be 5 points less than the last member to weigh fish. Big Bass will be awarded 2 points. You will drop your lowest score for the year. Only 10 tournaments will count towards year-end totals.
13. Big fish points and money will go to the member that actually caught the big fish of the tournament.
14. Tournament and meeting dates are subject to change by majority vote for maximum participation.
15. If you don’t pay before launch you don’t fish.
16. Club will maintain as a minimum 75% boater to 25% non-boater.
17. If you can not make the meeting
– You must tell a club official to put you in the draw
– You may submit a proxy vote with a paid entry fee

Mother Nature

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