If the Shoe Fits

Recently, I have made a couple of forum posts expressing my pleasure about how well my boat performed after replacing the fuel lines. Some of the feedback has indicated I baby my boat, while others have said I really like things to perform. I guess both of these things are true to a point.

If the Shoe Fits

It is not typical for me to spend money on something just because it is the newest, best or greatest thing since sliced bread. I, however, do like things to work as they are designed to work. It is my decision how much I am willing to pay for any such product.

Although I have a very old boat, I have taken all the steps necessary to keep it in the best possible condition. Over the years I have experienced some motor failures that have cost me some money and some valuable fishing time, but for me, that is how the game is played. All I want the motor to do is perform as it was designed. While this might be a bit unrealistic, it seems to have worked for me. To some, my old boat was in the trash category, but most now will say it is a real treasure.

If the Shoe Fits

When it comes to my fishing tackle, I have invested in some very fine products. The difference seems to be I typically buy quality but not to the high end of the spectrum. I am meticulous about maintaining my equipment, and as a result, I have experienced many years of service from well-performing products without continually buying the next best thing. For me, if it works like it is designed then that is perfectly fine. Some items might have a few battle scars but other than that they are well maintained and perform as they should.

If the Shoe Fits

This particular blog entry is made for those who are quite happy with their bass fishing toys. Perhaps they are not the best in the marketplace but they are probably the best for you, and that is all that matters. I really like my Diawa SVTW reels because they work for me although there are certainly more expensive products out there. I enjoy my Dobyns fury rods and they too and not the best Dobyns offers but they work for me. I could go down my list of fishing assets, and the same story will hold true. If these products did not perform as designed, then they would not be in my operating rotation. If it doesn’t work correctly, then I don’t want it. I will not compromise on this.

If the Shoe Fits

Our bass fishing tools are a reflection of ourselves. We may not be the best at what we do, but we sure try the best we can. After all is said, the truth remains, best is best, and it only has to make you happy. If you want to spend on high-end products then good for you. If you want to be a bit more frugal than that too is a good thing but only if it works.

Fish ON!
Bud Kennedy

Don’t miss all of Bud’s great ramblings in his blog titled “Fish ON!”

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