Big Bass Tour Comes to Lake Lewisville BBT - Big Bass TourLEWISVILLE, TX, September 08, 2008 - Based at Lake Park, this popular event comes to Lake … September 17, 2008/ Bass Fishing Industry News/
Catching Up With the Ultimate BASS Champion, Kevin VanDam Kevin VanDamIt has been just more than a month since Kevin VanDam of Kalamazoo, Mich., won his fourth Toyota Tundra … September 17, 2008/ B.A.S.S. News/
Randy Wieczorek wins 2008 Minnesota B.A.S.S. Federation Nation Championship Randy WieczorekRandy Wieczorek wins 2008 Minnesota B.A.S.S. Federation Nation Championship, September 4-5, 2008 on Pools 4 & 5 of the … September 17, 2008/ Bass Fishing Industry News/
Bass Fishing Patterns What was so special about that particular cast that made a bass hit? Paying attention and analyzing the cast, surroundings, … September 3, 2008/ Beginning Bass Fishing/
Minnesota BASS Federation Nation TOC Minneapolis - August 28, 2008 - Minnesota's best amateur bass anglers set to tackle the Mississippi River On Saturday, August … August 28, 2008/ Bass Fishing Industry News/