The most current Ultimate Bass Club Shootout flyer is attached below so that you can view it or print it for club use in gaining sponsors. Make sure that if you download this flyer you check back often for updates. As sponsors are gained they will be added to the flyer to give them the exposure that they deserve for helping out your club.
If your bass club goes out and secures a sponsor and you would like to have them added to the flyer send the information to Laurie in a PM on the forum and she will add their information to the flyer.
View The Current UBCS Flyer Link (click the link)
If you would like to have a copy to print out you are welcome to save a copy to your computer but make sure that you check back for updated flyers.
If you would like to have a copy to print out you are welcome to save a copy to your computer but make sure that you check back for updated flyers.
If you are getting a blank page when you click on the link you need to download adobe acrobat reader to your computer and install it. Then you will be able to view the flyer. Here is a link if you are not sure where to find it. ( Download – Adobe Reader )