WASHINGTON, Mo. This weeks Bass Edge television features some of the best of the west with co-host Chris Ball joining host Aaron Martin on the California Delta. The episode airs Thursday at 8 a.m. EST on Outdoor Channel. It also can be seen Friday at 9 a.m. and Saturday at 2:30 p.m.
WASHINGTON, Mo. This weeks Bass Edge television features some of the best of the west with co-host Chris Ball joining host Aaron Martin on the California Delta. The episode airs Thursday at 8 a.m. EST on Outdoor Channel. It also can be seen Friday at 9 a.m. and Saturday at 2:30 p.m.
Viewers will be treated to explosive topwater action.
The crew stayed focused on every cast and got some of the best footage, Ball said. The fish blew up on the baits, and boy did we catch some big uns that crushed the frog.
That is some of the most exciting action we have ever put on tape, Martin said. The Delta is an amazing place, and Chris knows that as well as anybody.
Also on this episode, western gunslinger Jamie Cyphers shows off a swimbait trick that bass cannot resist, and the Pond Boss, Bob Lusk, explains the importance of understanding bass habits. Also, Mike Webb discusses a topwater bait that consistently lands big fish.
Catch more Bass Edge on: World Fishing Network HD and WildTV in Canada, bassedge.com, The Edge (the top bass fishing podcast on iTunes) and the Inside Edge monthly e-newsletter.
For more information, contact Media Relations Director Sudha Kamath at skamath@bassedge.com.