It isn’t over till it’s over, Yogi had it right

As we move through the chapters of life, we are sometimes forced by age to alter some of our favorite pastimes. What I have learned by being a bass angler is it’s one of those passions which continues well into our senior years. So, when asked when I am going to stop bass fishing, my simple response is a famous Yogi saying, “It ain’t over till it’s over.”  I don’t know how long it will be until I can no longer answer the bell, but for sure it is not now but could be tomorrow.

In my senior year’s, tournament deals are a thing of the past and fishing in poor conditions is not something I usually consider. I will still get up in the early morning hours to hit the water but not on a regular basis. I do remember those days when the Mrs. and I would leave the house in the early morning darkness just so we could launch and get out on the lake to watch the sun come up. Those were indeed magical times. At my advancing age, I am just not as confident about night launching. We are strictly first light people these days. One thing that stays in my mind are those chilly New England mornings and sitting out on a crystal-clear lake as the sun begins to arrive. Listening to the call of the loons and watching the steam starting to rise from the water was one of our most favorite things to do. On some days we would just sit there for a while and drink a cup of coffee while the world was waking up all around us. These memories will be with me until the end of my time. I can just thank God I was able to witness such peace and beauty.

For some of us being a bass angler may be in our past. The memories, however, will be a part of our being forever. Maybe the fishing excursions are only once in a while. So be it. At least we are getting out to renew old memories as often as possible.

Since none of us have a time machine, we cannot return to previous times in our lives. Living in the past isn’t something I care to do, but I certainly can recall those times when things we remember seemed to be so perfect. Most likely they were not perfect but isn’t it nice to know the memories have scrubbed away some of the not so good moments of our past.

It isn’t over till it’s over, Yogi had it right


For folks thinking about ending angling activities, I just want to remind you to go with the flow of life. If you have to alter the amount of fishing time, then so be it. There are still memories to create, and memories to recall. When being a bass angler becomes less a competition, but an appreciation of life, you have made the turn. Now is the time to appreciate not only the past but also the future yet to be realized. When you pay a visit to the water just be thankful your old friend the bass will still be there waiting to have another battle. He won’t care a bit that you are a little older and perhaps a little grayer than in the past. It is still fun even though it is more for personal fulfillment then it is for wins or personal bests. Always remember, it ain’t over till it’s over.

Fish ON!
Bud Kennedy

Check out Another great read in the Fish ON blog called Bass Fishing Interrupted 

One Response

  1. Bruce Beardslee September 26, 2021

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