The Importance of Color The importance of a fishing lure's color is as much of a debated topic as any other in our sport … February 13, 2019/ Bass Fishing For Dummies/
The Argument – Wait or Swing? The argument, wait or swing? A Hotly discussed topic ever since Nick Creme invented the modern plastic worm... January 30, 2019/ Bass Fishing For Dummies/
Brushpiles Three I've conveyed just how important I feel about having a few carefully located brushpiles and how they can increase bass … January 23, 2019/ Articles, Bass Fishing For Dummies/
When the Day Comes The old man sat at the picnic table, bundled up in his old, worn Carhartt coat. It had seen better … November 14, 2018/ Bass Fishing For Dummies/
Brushpile Building Part Two There are so many items anglers can use for brushpile building to help increase bass catches. I'm going to attempt … September 12, 2018/ Bass Fishing For Dummies/