The Easy Bass Club Raffle

For many of us bass fishing is a way of life and to sustain that way of life we have to feed it. Being part of a local bass club is one of the ways that we stay involved with bass fishing as much as possible during the year. Clubs need a small amount of money to operate, the easy bass club raffle is a great way to generate a small fund.

Bass clubs have many facets one of which seems to be raising money for one cause or another. Some of the reasons to raise money are conservation at the local ramps, local charities, team events, club travel or even holiday gatherings. Whatever the occasion coming up with a way to raise funds is always a challenge.

The amount of money you need to raise will govern what you are going to need to get this fund raiser off the ground. The idea is to gather enough bass fishing baits, tackle boxes, hooks, plastics, etc… from your club members and local tackle stores to offer a package that will draw the money you need to raise plus expenses and hold a raffle.

Ask each club member to bring 4 or 5 baits to the following club meeting or tournament to add to the package and visit your local tackle stores to ask for donations. If each club member brings in the baits that they have been asked to bring it doesn’t take long to have a nice package to offer as a prize.

The largest expense you will have will be the raffle tickets. Your local printer will be able to suggest a number of tickets that will get you the best deal possible. My suggestion is that you go with a large number and possibly larger than you think you will be able to sell that year. Leave any dates blank and purchase a stamp with rotating numbers and months to fill them in for future raffles.

Once you have your baits and raffle tickets settle on a date for the drawing and bundle the tickets in packs of 10. Hand them out to your members so that they can sell them. Selling raffle tickets should be fairly easy. Each member should concentrate on selling to his or her family, friends, co-workers, neighbors and people they might see at the launch ramp. They can also sell to members of other tournament organizations that they may belong to.

Close to the end of the raffle go to a local tackle store (bass pro was very friendly) and ask if you can set up outside their store near the exit and sell tickets for your raffle. This is a key part to you success.

Our bass club has held a raffle for the last three years, used the same purchase of tickets, put together a package worth around $450 and successfully raised over $900.00 each year.

Laurie Cork

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