This past Memorial Day weekend was my first trip back on the water bass fishing since late March. Due to a back problem I have been sidelined without being able to do any fishing; all I could do was read articles, wish, and dream about it. This weekend was well invited by me and it happened to have a few surprises in it as well. After calling friends for some local information, we decided to trailer over and fish Henderson Swamp which is the upper Atchafalaya Basin area. We were told that a lot of small fish were being caught and it was a good time to get back into practice. Well, what they meant by small bass was that the size limit in the basin is 14″ and that there were tons of them in the 13 ¾” and 13 7/8″ range. We are hoping next year will be the charm for the basin because there should be plenty of legal size fish for sure!
Once we got to the landing we noticed that the Media-Bass Tournament Trail was holding one of their tournaments out of the same landing. There were boats everywhere with a great turn out. We launched out of Cypress Cove Marina; if you have never launched here you’re missing a good deal. When you pull up to the launch site, all you do is get into your bass rig. Mitch will back you into the water, and then go park your truck for you. Then on your return trip he will go get your truck, back it in the water and pull you out. Mitch and his wife run a first class show for sure.

After we ran through a few canals with bass boats on all points, we settled down in a cut just off the Phillip’s canal. Today was no different for us; we were into bass all morning long. The problem was that they were 13 15/16″ long, just short of the 14″ limit. The sad part was that I missed more than I boated. Merila and I missed blow up after blow up on our Sqworm & Ambush tackle. Most of the bass were dug in deep into the weed and grass beds that lined the canal banks. Oh, did I mention that I knocked off Merila’s first fish over the side of the boat for her. She didn’t say anything, that is, anything I could understand (I still have trouble understanding those French words, being from Alabama). The look on her face and eyes said it all, no need for French words this time!
While we were fishing we saw a lot of bass rigs and we stopped to talk to some of them to see how they were doing. Then a few of them saw our Ambush & Sqworm tackle decals on our boat and stopped to say hello. Later on that morning we found out that one of the Nitro state team boats that stopped to say hi was also a pro staff team mate who I hadn’t met yet. After about 2 ½ hours the old back started hurting again so we decided to ease back to the landing. As we pulled up Mitch was waiting for us at the dock. He had seen us coming up the canal to his launch; his first question was if we were ok? I told him that the back was hurting and we were just calling it a day. So off he went to get the truck. Once out of the water, we got the boat ready for travel for our trip home. Before getting into the truck someone ask me to hold up for a minute. It was the guys in the Nitro Team boat that we had met earlier who was on the Ambush team. After visiting with them I found out that they were from the Bounty Hunters Bass Club from Walker, La. They were helping with staff duties for the Media-Bass Tournament Trail which is run by Johnny Moore, founder & president of their club. We had a good time while they were setting up their grand stand for the weigh in that afternoon. Thanks Johnny, Randy, Alvin, and Alauni for sharing a few laughs, a quick picture and some new idea’s on fishing our tackle. It just goes to show that you can learn something new every time you hit the water if you only take the time to stop and visit with others. I wish my back hadn’t been hurting so bad, because I would have loved to stay longer with this great bunch of folks.
I really had a great day on the water even if it was short. We caught a few bass, met some new friends, and even some Pro Staff Team Mates! All in all, a great day of bass fishing in our wonderful “FREE” country on Memorial Day Weekend. By the way, this freedom was brought to us by the “United States Armed Forces!”
So after our weekend trip, it just goes to show that you just don’t never know who you might bump into while you are on the water bass fishing. It might be your next best friend or even a sponsor team mate who you have never met before. Always remember that your first impression is always what you are remembered by, so make it count for sure! I sure hope this back of mine gets better so I can spend more time on the water chasing our friend Mr. Bass. Who knows, I just might bump into you next time!
Until next time,
Tight lines & Happy Fishing,
Please remember to take a child fishing: it just might be their pro start in life and you might end up being a star in their eyes! Also please remember our Troops fighting over seas. It is because of them that we have this great FREEDOM of ours!