A Disappointing Memorial Day

take a kid fishingWhat can I say, all the plans were made and everything was packed into the truck and boat. We were ready for a fun day of bass fishing with our 4 year old nephew. This Memorial Day was going to be our “take a kid fishing day”. Since we had located some large numbers of bass in the weed and grass beds at Henderson, it would be more fun for him knowing that the bass were there.

Sunday after church my sister-in-law dropped Brian Edward off to us and he was so excited. Of course he is my next fishing team partner in the making; if you don’t believe me, just ask him! That is if his Aunt Merila lets him and if I can survive the ordeal of training him. There’s one thing for sure, for a 4 year old he sure talks a lot about bass fishing. I wonder where he gets that from, surely not me. This Sunday afternoon was no different, he was tucked at my heels every step I took. He helped with all the packing of the gear and snacks, plus he made sure his rod & reel was put in the boat along with his life jacket. I’m proud to say that his first question was to me, “where’s my life jacket Uncle Ricky?” I just hope that every kid that gets the chance to fish has a life jacket and wears it while fishing. Brian also helped me with putting new line on the reels, including his reel.


After the job was finished we checked the trolling motor battery that was re-charging from our Saturday fishing trip. I noticed that it wasn’t charging enough and since I had some problems with it the last few trips I decided to replace it. Well, a trip to Wally World never ends with just what you need. There’s just too much other stuff in the fishing department that calls you away and grabs you by the arm.  Now, after freeing ourselves from the fishing department we moved over to the battery department and once again the Wally World got us. We ended up getting 2 batteries with all the extra wiring so I could hook them up in parallel series.  This was something that I have been wanting to do for a long time. Let’s see now, fishing lures, extra trolling motor batteries with cable, and ice cream for the new fishing buddy. That just about does it; Wal-Mart has won again. Another broke fisherman leaves the store.


It didn’t take very long to find out that my little fishing buddy was a very good “Straw-boss”, just like his Aunt Merila. Once he had made sure the job was right, he let me take a short rest break until he decided that he needed some casting practice. So while the batteries were charging we did some casting 101 which was a good idea, seems we both needed it.  While trying to do some casting for myself, I was dodging those hooks that looked like eagle claws screaming by my head.


After his practice session we checked on the batteries one more time and decided to call it a night. Once inside his first question was could we watch a bass fishing movie because we really needed the practice?  So after we ate we watched both the 2003 and 2004 Bass Master Classic’s with a little boy shouting “look Uncle Ricky at that”. I think it was still playing when Merila woke us up and made us go to bed.


Then during the night it happened! After all the planning for a special bass fishing trip, the weather turned south on us with thunderstorms that lasted all night and into Monday morning. Need I say that a sad little face met us at the bedroom door with tears in his eyes? I told him that we were all disappointed and sad that we couldn’t go. We told him that we would go the next time he came to visit with us. If we could have only talked his aunt into wearing a rain suit, we may have had a small chance of going. The rain didn’t let up until mid-day so we just watched more bass fishing movies. Even with a sad face he told me that at least the boat would be packed and ready the next time he came. How true that will be because the next trip is all his. We didn’t get to fish this Memorial Day but we did get to spent time together and watch a lot of bass fishing movies. This was probably a good thing for me, since I missed so many fish Saturday during our little 2-hour trip. Oh well, maybe next weekend will be the charm for a little 4 year old, who loves to “bass fish” with his uncle & aunt.


Until next time, tight lines & happy fishing!


Please remember to take a child fishing: it just might be their pro start in life or their first page into their log book! Also please remember our “TROOPS” over seas; it is because of them that we have this great FREEDOM of ours!



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