The SeaSprite Chronicles II My fishing status has recently changed to that of a boat owner. I was given a 1967 SeaSprite with a … October 31, 2004/ Bass Fishing Articles/
Lake Fork First I just want to say that Jimmy Everett is a Professional from the word go. I thought for quite … October 31, 2004/ Bass Fishing Articles/
Lipless Crankbaits, the Ins and Outs Years ago a Friend of my dad's told me he had a new bait he wanted to show me. He … October 29, 2004/ Hardbaits/
Beginning Bass fishing and the Jig Jigs are one of the hardest baits for beginners to learn how to fish. I think the biggest reason is … October 28, 2004/ Beginning Bass Fishing/
Rattle Traps and Grass a Frustrating Combination Its coming, you can feel the excitement already; the adrenaline is rushing just thinking about it. Yep, fall is coming … October 28, 2004/ Hardbaits/