Life in the fast lane

Started by Flyswatter, June 16, 2012, 12:03:34 PM

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I'd like to read what you all prefer or like about your BassCat boat.  Customer support is well documented but I like to get your thoughts more about the actual boat we fish out of.  After the rods are strapped down and you got that 10 - 20 mile ride back to the boat launch what do you like about your Cat?   Is it the thrill from WOT speed or the comfy dry ride in 1 to 3' waves when bad weather blows in?

For me it would be difficult but I'd lean toward fast and furious with the need for speed.  I know something is not right when I focus more on the tenth of MPH, tweaking my trim to find the last bit of performance when there is no boat traffic around to worry about.   >:D PoPo PoPo ~roflmao Also, the few times I"ve been out when that cold north wind is picking up and the big rollers are there waiting for me knowing  I have that 10 plus mile ride back gets my attention too.  A long ride back in rough water is challenging but my BassCat rides on the top of those waves to make bad conditions much safer because of the way the hull acts as a buffer in those conditions.  What more can you want knowing your ride back is safer being on top of the rollers, the ride is more comfortable because you don't ride low and spear waves and you stay dryer because they way the boat rides.  Here are two different extremes with life in the fast lane.  Fast and furious or Riding on top of the those rollers staying dry what say you?


For me, its hard to mention one thing that I like about my Cat. I do like the feeling of confidence that I have when a lake decides to get ugly with rough water and I have a long ride back to the ramp. I know for sure I will have a safe, dry ride back.  I know that in most rough water conditions I have been in, I can run on top of the waves and feel safe about doing it. I don't claim, like some, to run 65-70mph in rough water (those guys are lying through their teeth by the way lo) But I can run moderate speeds and feel safe. I like the way my Cat feels in the water, they way it feels like its on rails in a turn going up a winding river channel.  I also kind of like the feeling I get at the ramp when other guys want to come over an look at my Cat and ask questions about it. 8) I really love it when those R Boat guys do that. >:D lo


Bill you  are dead on accurate about moderate speeds in the rough stuff.    Something to be said for riding in the fast lane at 35-40mph.   :)  Security, safety and staying dry in extreme conditions is nothing short of supreme BassCat experience.   ~beer~


Well, I had an entire book written about my experiences with different brands of boats but deleted it after I realized I was just going down memory lane and it really was what this post is about.

I haven't had my old Cat out in rough water really yet.  For one my body can't take it anymore (it can at the time but the next day I pay).  Yes, I been hard on myself so far this life. LOL.  By rough I mean getting caught on a flatland KS lake with 35 MPH breezes.

I don't think this old PII will compare to the ride of a Champion of the same era   It's close in the handling department though.  However, it has to be the best built boat I have stepped foot in.  I have owned both new and old boats and this one is the second oldest boat I have ever owned but the best built so far.  I do like the fact that it gets up out of the hole very quickly and gone down the lake in a blink of an eye. 

The other day I was out fishing and on my way back to the ramp I noticed a pontoon party barge passing where I was headed.  I was running flat out, full trim, had it's ears laid back putting the spurs to it.  Well, the wake from the big pontoon was a lot larger than I expected and at the speed I was traveling i had no time to react other than hit it at a little angle.  Of course I launched off of the first wake and skipped the next one and landed on the 3rd.  The boat never missed a beat.  Bow stayed up high, boat kept lifting even after coming down rather hard from my attempt at making a Cat inadvertantly fly and I just kept the spurs dug in and I shook it off thinking "I really need to pay more attention to things instead of seeing how hot the chicks are on the party barge!".  Anyway, kept it's ears pinned back and made the sharp left hand turn off of the flats and back into the channel headed to the ramp at WOT.  That day gave me a ton more confidence in the old girl.

I love a good handling boat.  One that reacts well from input and has no surprises.  I like a boat that I can run creek and river channels in at near WOT and not even hiccup about it.  I'm still figuring out this one but I'm getting close to being ready to try it.  I'm learning how it reacts to different situations slowly but surely.  I'm to old to be thrown around in a boat now.