How long have you had you boat?

Started by MotherNature, May 10, 2012, 09:41:11 AM

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I am just curious how long y'all have had your boats and how many Xpress owners we have out there. This board seems to be really quiet and we need to get some action going on in here.




Got mine November of last year, it was my returning from the middle east present. H18SS
2012 XPRESS H18 /  YAMAHA 115
Retired U.S Navy Chief


Quote from: BOATS on May 10, 2012, 05:02:13 PM
Got mine November of last year, it was my returning from the middle east present. H18SS
That is awesome! Thank you for your service! Do you fish a lot?



I've had my Xpress since April 2000.  Been a great boat and I will be replacing it with another Xpress if it ever wears out.  1999 H56 w/ 115 Yamaha ~fff
"Still waiting on that 10...."


Every weekend, have taken it to okeechobee and the Sante Cooper lakes. Mostly on the ST Johns river though
2012 XPRESS H18 /  YAMAHA 115
Retired U.S Navy Chief

Fisher of Men

Im an xpress owner and have been since 2006.  I currently have a 2004 18ft express with a 115HP Yamaha.  Plan on upgrading to a larger fiberglass boat but will keep my xpress. Nothing but great things to say about them!!!
Choose today who you will serve, but as for me and my house; WE WILL SERVE THE LORD.
Joshua 24:15


Mine is a 2000 X70 with a 98 Mariner 150 Optimax. Bought the boat and motor brand new in June of 2000.

Les Young

98 H-56 with 98 Mariner 135 & 6" Vance plate. 57-58gps heavily loaded with 2 (1@200 & 1@325Lbs.)& half tank gas(12gls) & very heavy load of tackle. The front storage is full & I do mean full. Boat is extremely tough & rides excellent. The only complaint I have is wind bolws it around, but after you get use to it it actually isn't that bad except on a pretty good breeze. Would own another in a heartbeat.


Had my 2002 X54 with 100 4 stroke from October 2002 until last week. Picking up 2012 X17 with Yamaha 115 on Friday provided the jack plate made it in today. Can't wait!! 
Retired and loving every minute of it!


2012 XPRESS H18 /  YAMAHA 115
Retired U.S Navy Chief


Got my very first boat about May or June of this year. I forget because I had to put it in the shop to get the carbs cleaned and that took a while. It is a 1989 Bass Tracker TF1800 (fiberglass boat) with a 1987 Mercury 115hp. Despite fishing since I was knee high to a grasshopper, I just now (age 28) got my first boat. Got away from fishing for a while to serve in the Army National Guard, start a family, you know the typical stuff lol. I go out as much as I can in it and looking forward to getting into some tournaments next year! I can't imagine not having a boat now that I own one. 8)


I recieved my 1999 X-51 this May.  My father-in-law gave it to me with a non-running 1999 90hp elpto Merc.  Ive just about done all I can for the motor, short of a refurb power head.  Cant say I really ever targeted bass before.  My son joined his High School fishing team, so I guess its time for us both to learn.  Love the boat, not so with the motor ( im partial to Yamahas).


Bought mine in June 2000 and it is still running great.
