Got My Sample Ballot Today

Started by tdt91, March 20, 2012, 04:59:24 PM

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Hey all I'm in Harford County and I got my sample ballot today. I was going through deciding who I want to vote for and came upon the Circuit Court Judgeship. I started researching the ones that want this seat. The current occupier was just appointed to the seat in Jan by OweMalley so I want her out cause I'm sure she's a Libtard. This should not be an appointed seat anyway and it's for 15 years. After first being appointed they have to go up for election the first time around and after that it's thiers for 15 years.
The other two are H. Edward andrews, 111 and Steven J. scheinin. I chose Scheinin because he is an Army vet and states he would only serve one term.
I like other things about him as well like he is a long time Fallston Volunteer Firefighter. I emailed him to put a sign in my yard and I hope all you Harford county guys will too. Please spread the word to vote for Steven scheinin in Harford County for Circuit Court Judge on April 3rd in the Primary.

Original Rat


Keep your dang political views off of the fishing report forum!  Thank you!!!


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