What kind of grass is it?

Started by Judge, March 05, 2012, 08:53:19 PM

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This grass is growing wild in my bayou.  What kind of grass is it and is it going to get out of control....grass carp.  Fish are big and gorgeous.



Siggy by DundeeMike

Mike Cork

The green stuff is hydrilla, the floating stuff is a form of algae. They both will get bad is left unchecked. 10 or so grass carp would be heaven with that.

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service



looks more like coontail to me.




Grass = Big Bass

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Looks similar to the kind I asked about last year and I think we decided it was coontail.  It's great to burn a spinnerbait through.

Mike Cork

Kyle31, great photos  ~c~

Judge, looking at it this morning... I hastily spoke. In the bottom pick there is a darker more mature growth, and that made me jump the gun on hydrilla. The stuff your holding matches the photos well.

Unchained, the pond is not that big, it's long but narrow. By May he'll be able to walk across it  :shocking: however it would be a great way to practice punching  ~b~

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Yea if its that little you be reduced to bank fishing
But on the other hand you sure could do a heck of alot of punching

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21XD Bullet 250 opti
1648 Grizzly 40 Merc
Wellcraft Eclipse I/O (fun)  Fisher 1536 25 Johnson Tiller


Just an FYI, It may be thick on top but there is a lot of room underneath it.  Just like a canopy of a forest.  Fish love it.  Would rather have to much than none at all...


Looks like coontail, but there is a type of niad that looks like that too. The niad will stink and coontail not as much.

Either way you are much better off with it than without it.