Who would you love to fish with?

Started by kidd, November 06, 2011, 06:59:40 AM

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Of course I'd say my Dad who passed away years ago but otherwise I'd say Todd Barnes from Omega Custom Tackle, Denny & Chad Brauer, and Tommy Biffle.  What about you?


I think I would have to go with Mark Zona,KVD,Ike,Dave Mercer,Denny Brauer,Ish. The Corks, Steve (Bassinkorea), DBrooke,Fogy.There are so many I cant pick just one.


If I had to say one person that I haven't already fished with, itd be Ike for sure.

Mike Cork

OC, fishing with Laurie or I is just a matter of meeting up!!!

There are many anglers I'd love to fish with. If I had to pick one it would be KVD, he's alien when it comes to bass fishing and I'd love to just watch what he's doing!

If it was a fun trip I'd vote for Ish Monroe! He is a frog and punching fool. Right down my alley! Plus I've talked with him several times and he is a one liner magician, he'd be a riot on the water with punching rods!

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Pro wise, Dean Rojas or Paul Elias would be my first choices, but hey I would go out fishing with just about any of them if given the opportunity, well except Ike, I would have to throw him overboard once he started screaming and throwing things around. LOL.

Terry Brown (W2F)
Dana Beavers (Triton Girl) and her hubby (Absolutely the nicest most caring people I have talked to) 
The Corks
The crew over at El Grande Lures.
Just about anyone here at Ultimate Bass. Always fun to fish with people with the same bass fishing addiction.
Would be a blast to go out frog fishing with Baron and show him once and for all that Spro rules, LOL (yeah I know I am asking for a beating, but it would be fun none the less)
To hit some of the cooling lakes with Doug Cav in the middle of winter would be cool.

I could go on and on, but the one person of whom I would really like to go fishing with again is the man that taught me how to fish in the first place, the person that always made time to take this kid fishing, my grandfather. Someday Gramps, someday will hook up and fish them lakes in the sky.


Cindy Crawford, Giselle, Heidi Klum, Allesandra Ambrosio...I could go on.


I would have to break my choice down to 2 catagories.

1- Knowledge (Game Plan ) - Rick Clunn
2- Mechanics - KVD

"Success is a Journey. Not a destination".


Touching on what Buzzkidd said, I would love to go fishing with my Grandpa again, but he passed away years ago. He is the one who taught me how to fish.

But, going with pros, lets see. I would have to go with Gerald Swindle, Alton Jones, and Todd Faircloth.

(Yes, and I too would like to fish with Mike Cork someday. Great guy!)
Never quit casting!


Ummm all of the Elites. ;D Ike, Swindle, Horton, Aaron, and oh yeah KVD!!!!!


In this order

1.  Rick Pierce, President from BassCat Boats
2.  Mike Iconneli, I'd would like to see how the day develop...  Volcanoes or Party Time Celebration  ~roflmao
3.  Mike McClellan,  we are entring jerkbait season and he's a master at it.


Fishing with Cork is way over rated!!

If I had to pick one it would defiantly be the Gerald Swindle.


For the pure fun factor I'd have to say Jimmy Houston. I bet he would be a blast to fish with! For learning and studying the game I'd have to say KVD or Edwin Evers. For all around it would have to be Joe Thomas. I met him once and he really impressed me how personable and humble he was.


Larry Dahlberg, big gear, big baits, and big fish.
They see me chuckin, they be hatin.

Mike Cork

Quote from: JMGullo on November 06, 2011, 05:14:51 PM
Fishing with Cork is way over rated!!

That's because your too competitive and can't beat me  ~shade

Jimmy Houston would definitely be a blast!!!!

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Quote from: manbearpig on November 06, 2011, 07:32:29 PM
Larry Dahlberg, big gear, big baits, and big fish.
Is that the guy behind River2Sea?  I've bought their buzzbait, spinnerbait, frog, and jerkbait recently and the quality looks amazing although I have to say I've not been able to get on the water with them too much yet.

smokey bear

 Parker and Dance for the fun fishing....
Hite and Clunn for the tourny information...

muddy man

Me, and I do it all the time ~roflmao

Actually Al Linder


It would have to be Aaron and Alana.. my best buddies.
Visit marinews.com for fishing boat reviews.


Oh and I wanna add Gary Yamamoto and Edwin Evers!


First choice would be KVD followed very closely by Edwin Evers and Denny Brauer.
The older I get the better I was.........


For sentimental reasons, I'd say my grandfather. He passed away when I was six. He was the first one to take me fishing.

As far as the pro's, I'd say Larry Nixon, Hank Parker, KVD, or Edwin Evers.


I would like to fish with Cork on my home lakes.

1. It would force him into breaking down new water and would in turn give me a fresh perspective on water that I know well. Having fished within speaking distance of Mike on his Home waters several times, I know that we look for the same things but approach them differently.

I also want to fish with Fogy as something's we do very similarly and some very different.


I'd like to fish with:

Ranger...but we might need some bail money.

The Corks would be fun...and fogy too!!

Where are we going...and why are we in this hand basket???

