2012 Colorado TBF STQT Pueblo Reservoir

Started by Sean Hinton, October 31, 2011, 05:37:26 PM

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Sean Hinton

Colorado TBF STQT
Information Sheet
August 03, 04 and 05, 2012

Tournament Director:
Sean Hinton, 303-667-9080,

Tournament Executive Contact:
Jeff Jones, 303.903.1207,

Site Host: Pueblo Welcome Center

Housing Host: TBA

Entry Deadline Date:  July 19, 2012 (postmarked)

Mail State Team entries to: Colorado TBF ATTN. Jeff Jones 3030 South Xeric Court Denver, CO 80231

Off- Limits: July 30, 2012 at 12:01 am 

Body of Water: Pueblo Reservoir

Launch Location: South Boat Ramp

Weight Inn Location: South Marina Courtesy Dock

Creel and Length Limits: 5 fish, (Small Mouth, Large Mouth and Spotted Bass) must be 15"

TOURNAMENT WATERS: The tournament waters for this event shall be Pueblo Reservoir ONLY and shall include all waters creeks and canals connecting to the above-mentioned waters. Any waters within these boundaries posted Off-limits or No Fishing by State or Federal Agencies will be Off-Limits. Any live-bass-release areas established by the Tour Director will be Off-limits as well as will be announced at the pre-tournament briefing. Any additional off-limits will be announced at the Friday night pre-tournament briefing. Only that water open to ALL public fishing will be considered tournament waters. Any waters closed to public fishing will be closed to this tournament contestants.

Official Tournament Days:
August 03, 04 and 05, 2012 Official Tournament Days
Take off Daily at safe light
Weigh-in begins daily at 3:00 pm
First Flight at 3:00 pm
Second Flight at 3:30 pm

Official Dates and times: All tournament rules apply

Official Practice days and Registration:
August 03, 2012 Official practice day, The Lake will go off-limits at 4:30 pm Friday August 03, 2012 until the start of the tournament.

Friday August 03 2012 5:00–5:45 pm
Rules Briefing and Draw:
Friday August 03, 2012 6:00pm. 

License/permit fees: State Boat launch passes required and available at Marina. Appropriate Fishing License required. Proof of Colorado Fishing must be Present at check in. Proof insurance must be in your boat and boats one and two in the launching order must show proof of insurance before launching each day to the Tournament Direct.
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