Worm weights

Started by culprit63, July 26, 2011, 12:55:43 PM

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I figured I would ask you guys that do all the nice work. Is there any problem
using regular spray paint to paint worm weights?


I am by no means an expert in this area but I do paint my worm weights. I started using nail polish at first and the results were great,great colors,I could almost match the color of worms I was throwing. I did notice the paint was pretty durable as far as chipping goes,but I would also put 2 coats of clear on it. I don't see a problem using spray paint but I would recommend some type of clear finish to seal and help from chipping. I now use powder paint.I'm sure an expert will chime in and help you out better.
"Its not how deep you fish,Its how you wiggle your worm".
Berserk Baits- Field Staff