Jeff Sibley

Started by BIG PAPA, April 16, 2011, 11:05:34 PM

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After a very good day on the water Kent and I met Jeff at the Shady acres launch and chatted with him for about an hour.
Jeff really seems to be a nice guy and also interested in our fisheries. Talked about the slot and other regulations. Seems we are just stuck with the SLOT for at least  the next 2 years while they do their surveys. Kent and I did not agree with everything we talked about but Jeff was honest about what was going on with the LWFD and I can only admire him for that.
Bottom line was except for the agreement with Tex. that we all already know about appears that nothing much is going to change in the near future.
Anyway we enjoyed our visit!
Thanks for the candid answers to my hard line of questions Jeff