Anniversary fishing trip vacation, ideas?

Started by tacoman78, April 03, 2011, 11:26:14 AM

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My wife and I anniversary is coming up at the end of June. Since we both love to fish, we thought it might be fun to take a small fishing trip vacation. We are both disabled and cannot travel too far, we would like to keep it within a couple states of Kansas. Also we dont make alot of money and cannot spend thousands of dollars for this. I was wondering if anyone knows of any good places or vacation packages that are affordable. Seems like Missouri has some pretty good lakes maybe. Also we do not own a boat so I thought would be nice to get a guide for a day maybe if they arent too expensive. We were looking for something maybe 3-5 days with decent lodging. I would really like to keep this under $2000 and lower if possible. Any ideas or suggestions? Anyone run across any good vaction packages, I would sure appreciate any suggestions or websites or any direction that could possibly get us to a nice affordable anniversary fishing trip! Thank You all!


Check out my Buddy Win Stevens. He guides ON lake of the Ozarks here in Missouri. He is a great guy and funny as all get out. a full day 8 hours runs about 375 if i remember right. all you need is your missouri license. he will provide everything. I'll PM you his website and contact info


Thank You, Lake of the Ozarks looks like a real nice vacation area. I will certainly look into the lodging available and see about getting a day with Win Stevens.


no problem. i go there every year for my wifes family reunion.