Agreements between La and Texas on shared waters

Started by Jared LeBlue, March 30, 2011, 08:48:09 AM

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Jared LeBlue

Ardent Prostaff

Robert Rollins

I'm not a real big crappie fisherman, but I know some folks who won't be too happy with the 25 fish limit for crappie on Toledo...oh well, guess it gives us something to gripe about.
...For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son so that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.  John 3:16

Jared LeBlue

They compromised on it. Texas gave up their 10 inch size limit and La. reduced the creel. The guys up north won't be too happy with the fact that they still have a slot limit and in fact a bigger slot but I was told that the WLF is doing a 3 year study (already 1 year in) on the slots and if the study does not prove that the slots are doing what they are designed to do they will take the slots off of Caddo, Cross, and possibly even Vernon. The 14inch size limit on the Sabine should be interesting to say the least. I guess only time will tell if any of the changes will be good or bad. At least the two States are working together.
Ardent Prostaff

Mike Noble

All I can say is that I'm glad I don't live in Louisiana any more and have to deal with the incompetency of the LDWF.

They may be one year into a study but it has been 2 years since they said they would do a study, must have lost a year trying to figure out what a slot was.  The study is merely a ploy to avoid making any decisions and doing anything...they already know the slot is not working.
Life is a B........each!



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boudreaux 23

Has this already took effect? I kept hearing they were doing away with the slot on Caddo and Cross


I have a friend coming in from Atlanta this weekend to fish me and got on the LDWF site to send him the link to buy his License. In the middle of the page this is listed. I remember a while back rumors of them lifting the slot or moving it to something like 15" minimum. So I read the article posted above. Was I disappointed that not only did they not remove the slot but actually moved it the the 14" to 18" like Texas. And I also run yo-yo's from time to time so lowering the limits on white pearch also didn't help.

Far as I'm concerned, if thats the best they have or can come up with leave it alone. Hell it's better as it is.
Cutting grass is a no win proposition. Might as well go fishin.

Jared LeBlue

Quote from: boudreaux 23 on March 30, 2011, 02:57:13 PM
Has this already took effect? I kept hearing they were doing away with the slot on Caddo and Cross

It has not taken effect yet and they do have some town hall meetings set for public opinion. I don't believe the slots will stay in effect for more than 2 more years but they won't remove them until that study is complete. You have to remember this is a comprise between both states. Texas got their way on some things and La got their way on others. In order for La to get Texas to move on a slot they are going to have to prove it is not working and they will have to do it with more than just words. I think it's good the two states are working together and making compromises. That's a far cry better than it has been in the past.
Ardent Prostaff

boudreaux 23

Thanks Jared. They definately are trying to get somewhere but I think they need to look at some of the lakes like Toledo and Bistineau without the slot and compare with and without. The thing I dont get is the sac a lait limit on Toledo. We wear them out every year and havent seen any sign of it slowing down at all?


I just sent the LWDF a comment, noting that it looks like they just combined all of the individual limits, instead of having a real policy on what is beneficial.  Just watch, I am probably going to be followed by black helicopters everywhere I go from now on  lo

Mike Noble

No Lawguy, you will possibly get a BS email back saying all kinds of useless crap.  The one (and probably only) thing those guys are good at is defending their lack of action.  I guess they have done it long enough.
Life is a B........each!



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boudreaux 23

I sent an email alot like the one Lawguy said. We'll see what they say back between the two, If they do at all.

Jared LeBlue

Go to the town hall meeting and ask your questions and express your concerns. Don't know that it will help but at least you will have a face to face with the WLF and they may be able to explain their actions.
Ardent Prostaff


 Many of us here at UB have phoned or e-mailed LDWF and TPWD over the years with our opinions on the slot at Caddo. One thing I can say is that we have got them to come together and unify the fishing regulations. Although those regulations may not be just what some were not looking for, they are working together now. This alone is a big win in my opinion and everyone should feel really good about this.
I really don't like to say this, but I don't believe you will ever see the slot removed from Caddo Lake. Texas really publicizes Caddo Lake as a trophy lake and has fishermen come to the Uncertain area from all over the country to bass fish. To the small towns of Uncertain and Karnack Caddo Lake has been of a very large economic value. Louisiana needs to step up to the plate and publicize the great bass fishing that can be accessed from the small towns like Mooringsport and Oil City.
I have lived on & fished Caddo Lake after moving here in 1981 for bass and have seen many changes in the harvest history on the Texas side (10 fish/10" 1975-87, 10 fish/12" 1988-90, 8 fish/14" 1991-92, slot 14 to 18/3 fish 1993-94, and 1995-present slot/4 fish over). Regulations are tools biologists use to protect or attempt to modify populations by controlling the number & size of fish harvested. Both states need to take a good long look at these length limits and slot limits as studies are showing that fewer bass are being kept.
12.30 lb. LMB my best, B.A.S.S. Lifetime Member 1972

Jared LeBlue

I agree caddobass. ~c~  I think there will be changes in a couple of years but not only to bording waters but to several bodies of water inside our state lines. The WLF is conducting studies on different things in different areas and I believe they are on the right track. There are a lot of people in this state that always wants our state to follow Texas and be more like Texas but when the WLF goes with some of what Texas does then the gripping starts. Everyone needs to understand that not every lake is going to produce a large population of trophy bass and not all lakes are going to produce large quantities of bass. It has a lot to do with water quality and nutrition in the water. I will agree that slots hurt the tournament fisherman but just remember when they remove them your days of going to those lakes and catching 20 to 30 2lb fish are over. The first couple of years will be awesome but then the sh!& will hit the fan. I am all for removing slots because I do tournament fish and it makes it tough for tournaments but also know what will happen to lakes like caddo and cross when they do remove it. Obviously the e-mails and complaints over the years have finally gotten the two agencies together to work on some things. You can bet that both agencies will be watching what takes place over the next few years so they will have something to go on when changes need to be made. I think it is a step in the right direction and hopefully it will improve fisheries for both states.
Ardent Prostaff


I understand the arguments made by all.  My concern is that we, as a society, have been conditioned to expect only minimal results from our government.  We should expect their best, and continue to ask them for it until we get it.  Of course, we should also praise them when they do well.  I am glad they are working with Texas, as we do need a unified set of rules.  Lets just make sure the rules are worthwhile. 

boudreaux 23

Quote from: caddobass on March 30, 2011, 09:35:37 PM
Many of us here at UB have phoned or e-mailed LDWF and TPWD over the years with our opinions on the slot at Caddo. One thing I can say is that we have got them to come together and unify the fishing regulations. Although those regulations may not be just what some were not looking for, they are working together now. This alone is a big win in my opinion and everyone should feel really good about this.
I really don't like to say this, but I don't believe you will ever see the slot removed from Caddo Lake. Texas really publicizes Caddo Lake as a trophy lake and has fishermen come to the Uncertain area from all over the country to bass fish. To the small towns of Uncertain and Karnack Caddo Lake has been of a very large economic value. Louisiana needs to step up to the plate and publicize the great bass fishing that can be accessed from the small towns like Mooringsport and Oil City.
I have lived on & fished Caddo Lake after moving here in 1981 for bass and have seen many changes in the harvest history on the Texas side (10 fish/10" 1975-87, 10 fish/12" 1988-90, 8 fish/14" 1991-92, slot 14 to 18/3 fish 1993-94, and 1995-present slot/4 fish over). Regulations are tools biologists use to protect or attempt to modify populations by controlling the number & size of fish harvested. Both states need to take a good long look at these length limits and slot limits as studies are showing that fewer bass are being kept.
Im not arguing but why does the lake need more publicity when you go on the weekends now and can barely move where you want to go?


I understand your pain, yes the lake does seem to get alot of fishermen on the weekends. That is one of the reasons I don't go out on the weekends. My statement to publicize was to bring more outside of the area sportsmen & dollars to our small towns around the lake. It was a economic thing!!!!!
With my mind on numbers here are some of interest, Caddo Florida Bass Stocking History: Louisiana 1982/now 2,794,384, Texas 1981/now 7,352,940, that a total of 10,147,324 stocked in Caddo starting in 1981
12.30 lb. LMB my best, B.A.S.S. Lifetime Member 1972


just an opinion from a weekend warrior. If you know someone wanting to catch a giant bass, where do most of us tell them to go? Caddo of course. Sure there are huge fish in every lake around ( just look at hosston) but there are more 8 pound plus fish that come off caddo than any other lake in nw la. that being said i find it hard to believe that the slot does not work. I am sure i will be blasted for this, but i for one like the slot and hope it is not removed. sure it sucks in a tournament , but like I've said before just catch bigger fish then the slot wont bother you. i used to go and catch 20 fish a day 19 being slot fish. i changed my fishing style and now catch less fish but a whole lot bigger. my theory slot plus grass equals big fish.


It is interesting to see the different perspectives from each side of the Lake. 

To tell you the Truth, I really rarely see Tourney anglers on the Texas side Ever harvest fish.  The further west you go into Texas the less you see it, to the point that when I see someone harvesting Bass on my Local lakes I am extremely suprised.  Just Don't see it very often.  Our White perch Bag limits are Smaller in almost every lake, But most good White perch lakes will produce limits of 1-2lb fish and don't see anyone complaining about not keeping smaller ones or not being able to use yoYo's.  I see alot of Dead 8-10" fish hanging on YOYo's in LA.

Where as when you cross the border I see ALOT of Folks that keep fish and want Big Bag Limits on Most all species.

The one thing I do see while fishing both sides of the border is that Texas Fish tend to be larger on average  and Produces bigger stringers.  I know that Lake Nutrients don't change because of an imaginary state line. So that only leaves management practices.  Every Lake Needs to be managed By different Practices  on both sides of the Border.


There are three public hearings this week on this topic.  The link will take you to the schedule.  If someone makes it to a hearing, I would love to hear about what was said.


I see the meeting in Minden is for tomorrow April 5th at 7 p.m. at the LDWF Office, 9961 Hwy 80. I really wanted to make this and still may, but it is a pool league nite and if the team needs me there I will not be able to make it. If you can make it would you takes some notes on Caddo and post them.
12.30 lb. LMB my best, B.A.S.S. Lifetime Member 1972

Kuntry Jr.

I talked to the lady at the Cross lake  patrol building and she said that they will not be removing the slot on cross because of all the big fish that are coming off of there.
Hydrowave  Amphibia Sunglasses  Bass Mafia Tackle  Optimum Baits   Reins  Deps


Quote from: Kuntry Jr. on April 04, 2011, 01:58:43 PM
I talked to the lady at the Cross lake  patrol building and she said that they will not be removing the slot on cross because of all the big fish that are coming off of there.

You bet they are just jumping in the boat at Cross ~roflmao ~roflmao ~roflmao

Kuntry Jr.

Hydrowave  Amphibia Sunglasses  Bass Mafia Tackle  Optimum Baits   Reins  Deps

Paul Keith

I have not seen where the slot has helped or hurt the lake. As far as big bass go, we were catching just as big bass and many of them long before the slot was implemented. The reason there were so many big bass caught starting in the late 80's was because of the initial stockings in the early 80's. I started fishing the lake in 1975 and have not put less than 200 days a year on Caddo in over 25 years now. The slot has nothing to do with Caddo giving up big bass. The introduction of floridas and the releasing of big bass(Basslife program) is what has done it. Most people rarely keep bass on a regular basis like they use to anyway. I remember tournaments out of Kool Point in the 70's where all the bass weighed in were thrown into the back of a pick-up on a regular basis and there were huge fish fry's after the tourney. Some tourneys had over a 1000 bass fried up in one saturday night. Glad catch and release caught on... Even with everyone keeping all their bass back in the day there were still even bigger numbers caught then than today. :P