Craziest Lure

Started by finesse13, February 28, 2011, 06:56:50 PM

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what is the craziest lure you have ever caught a bass on ?

I will start this one off. Me and my son were fishing a local river about 10 minutes from my house.He had a bag of gummy worms and a light went off. Needless to say,they do not stay on the hook for more 2 or 3 cast but we did manage to catch a few fish with them. On the positive note it got the sweet sugar covered candy out of my sons mouth and into the fish's mouth.   ~c~
"Its not how deep you fish,Its how you wiggle your worm".
Berserk Baits- Field Staff

ring fry

My sister is severely mentally retarded.  When she was around 7 or so my dad tied a clothes pin onto a stick with fishing line while we were fishing a farm pond.  She was splashing it in the water by the dam while the rest of us were casting and catching.  Suddenly she let out a scream that caught all of our attention.  She was pulling a nice sized largemouth up on the bank with her stick and clothes pin.  Evidently she was splashing the clothes pin and a bass came to the surface, hit it, and got it lodged in it's mouth.  That was over 50 years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday.

SE Kansas grass grower
2008 NCAA Basketball Champions


My dad, myself, and my grandfather used to run trot-lines alot. We had one in a bayou called 12 Mile Bayou. When the water was clear we wouldn't have to hate the line at all. The big blue cats would hit the 4/0 silver hooks bare...guess they thought it was shad...nevr could figure that one out. Caught loads of blues like that on that line till it got cut by a bass fisherman
"Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life" 
-Rev. 2:10
"Get the....wait we don't have a net?"


Many years ago someone gave my dad one of those "joke" crankbaits shaped and painted like a Bud can.  So I tied it on one day just for laughs and darned if I didn't catch a small pike on it.  When I was a kid we used to take a piece of red flannel and tie it on some string and throw it along the banks....never caught any fish but the frogs would go right for it...we'd let them swallow it and then hoist 'em up on the bank.
Attitude predicts altitude.  How high will you fly?


I used to do a fair amount of catfishing.  I took my son along and we were using chicken livers - which don't last long when a child is casting them.

So I used raw shrimp (expired old not edible). 

Like most kids - he couldn't keep it still.  Constantly reeling it back in for another cast.  When reeling the shrimp in - it looked like a white fluke of curly tail grub -  and a big river smallmouth nailed it.  That was the first smallie we had caught and it converted us from catfishing to riversmallie fishing!


nothing really wierd i guess but i have caught a 4lb catfish on a 7" t rigged electric blue worm lo


When I was in HS my best friend always carried this GIANT double colorado blade purple spinnerbait that had the old school almost cloth like skirt.  He was always talking about how good it worked, ect.  So one day I just said screw it I'm gonna throw this thing just to prove to him it doesn't work, well on the second cast a 3lber nailed it ~b~
Life's short, fish hard.


When I was about 11 or 12, I was on a fishing trip to Lake Cumberland with my uncle. As best as I can remember, we weren't catching very many so I started going through my uncle's tackle boxes. In the bottom of one was a lure shaped like a kitchen sink, faucet and all. I asked my uncle about it and he explained that it was a novelty lure and to put it back because nothing could be caught with it. I pestered him into letting me tie it on and, sure enough, I caught a largemouth in the 2lb range a few minutes later. Unfortunately, it was the only one I caught with the lure. By the way, this very same kitchen sink lure is now a prized part of my antique lure collection.
Three-fourths of the Earth's surface is water, and one-fourth is land. It is quite clear that the good Lord intended us to spend triple the amount of time fishing as taking care of the lawn. ~ Chuck Clark


When I was a kid we had a big black and white collie/border collie dog. I cut hair off him and made flies out of it, I actually caught several Crappie on them.
About 1985 I was fishing for catfish on Belton Lake in central Texas, using stink bait. I was reeling in to rebait when a 2lb. Walleye hit it. They were stocked in there in the 70's but no one had seen one in years. 
I don't mind not knowing all the answers, but I keep forgeting the danged questions.


I was in a store a few years back buying gummy worms (for me to eat) and the clerk asked me If I was going fishing, she said a guy had just caught a 10lber on gummy worms. Dunno if it was true though.

When I was really little we had a lake in our backyard that was LOADED with huge easy to catch bluegill. One day I decided to use the shiny tab off of the top of an aluminum can. I tied in on my line and used some old mono to tie a couple of small hooks onto it. I caught a TON of bluegill and even a small bass.


we used shrimp all the time in our intercoastal river (salt)

bread and hotdogs in freshwater all the time. Live crickets for 'gills.

my son was taking the little legs off a powerbait chigger craw and using that to catch little bluegills. We thread it on the hook like you would a live worm, and sure enough, that powerbait scent and taste brought them in.

Kuntry Jr.

I caught a fish with a baby sock with a treble hook in it while they were schooling. Just to prove a point that when the fish are schooling they will hit anything.
Hydrowave  Amphibia Sunglasses  Bass Mafia Tackle  Optimum Baits   Reins  Deps


 I have caught trout on hersheys chocolate. We use to catch bluegill on a golf course with bare hooks they would hit anything in that pond.
Got Bass