Qustion on Stay-n-charge

Started by sherm, February 02, 2011, 05:21:01 PM

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No one is claiming to charge a battery from dead to full in ten minutes. We have over 4000 units in the field over the past eleven years and the numbers all come from an average of what people are seeing from there cituation. We see that if the batteries are full when you got out next trip for everry hour you troll it is taking about ten minutes to bring them back close to full. These numbers are differrent for everyone and has been proven over and over for eleven years. Every motor and battery is used differently by all anglers and that is why we have always given a 90 day money back guarantee on our products(don't know of any other company that will do this) so we can make sure all our customers are getting what they need to stay on the water longer. I hope this helps.
Jim Payne


Quote from: sherm on February 04, 2011, 05:07:49 PM
WOW, Why would you slam a product before you try it?

I heard 10 minutes of charging would provide 1 hr of trolling. Jim is good enough to offer to send me the tow package, When I get it and install it I'll report how it works ! I'm looking forward to it.

I am sorry, I am not trying to talk down about the product, I am just a pessimist and technological type that just does not see how charging a battery for 6-10 minutes can take it from potentially half empty back to full.

If you figure the only way to do that is kick the voltage up to around 16 Volts and a high amperage, but it is limited to the voltage and amperage put out by the alternator, if the alternator cannot do it in 10 minutes, how is 6-10 minutes from this device any different? I am just trying to take this from a practical and technical standpoint. I just do not see technically how 6-10 minutes can take a battery from 50 to 110 Amps without cranking up the voltage and amperage above what the alternator puts out.
Sure a 150hp motor with 110-120A alternator and a 110Ah battery it may be possible if the alternator is running under full load to charge the entire 10-15 minutes, but not 4 or 6 out of every 10 minutes.
My wife and I had 22 happy years... then we got married.


It is probably safe to say that if the system didn't work like stated that the company would not have been in business for the past 11 years!!  That and they are willing to give you a 90 day trial period with a money back guarantee.  What do you have to loose?  Try it out and if it doesn't work get your money back.
Go2Baits, Flying Fisherman, Nemire Lures


yep exactly.  90 day money back gauruntee for anyone interested in buying a stay-n-charge system and in the 11 years I bet he can count on 1 hand how many have been returned.  I think the main thing is that your thinking of the battery as charging from completely dead to completely full in 10 min.  Thats not what I'm saying.  I'm saying going fishing with a full charge and fishing for an hour on high and then making a 10 minute run.  Now I'm not some fancy engineer or anything, but the way I see it, fancy stuff or not, the system works!  On the water experience will show you that the system does work wether theory proves it possible or not.Like Maineskeeter said.  What do you have to lose.  Buy the stay-n-charge system use it for 90 days and if you aren't completely happy with it then send it back.  No questions asked
KaRu Lures
KaRu Facebook

Lee Smith

OK guys, Hang on!!!  First, I am NOT on the Stay n Charge Team, and I have only talked with StaynCharge on the phone once to correct my stupid wiring thoughts.  Here is 3 years of results from Stay n Charge system on MY boat!

1.  I have yet to run out of trolling power on the water!

2.  I have yet replaced my batteries and I check them before hitting the water each time.

3.  The system WILL charge my TM batteries in around 10 minutes of running time.  Are they full charge?  Have no idea, I fish, let the system do it's thing and I do mine.  As long as it is working why would I even worry about looking to see?

4.  I have a friend that has a 12V system and the company sent him a off the shelf new trial that they where working on, talked with him on the phone, even called to check and see if he like the system.  He LOVES it!!!!

5.  I don't care about numbers, amps, volts, time, ect.....  yall can argue till the end of time about what it should do, should not do, does do, and I don't care!!!  The system WORKS, PERIOD.

Now, lets put this to rest, and if you want to argue, purchase a system, be HONEST in your report and you too, no matter what the numbers are or what they should be, will be extremely happy with the system.

Lee Smith
El Grande Lures
Kistler Rods
Karu Lures
Builder of Custom Personal Bassin' Rods



Quote from: Lsmith500 on February 05, 2011, 06:15:29 AM
OK guys, Hang on!!!  First, I am NOT on the Stay n Charge Team, and I have only talked with StaynCharge on the phone once to correct my stupid wiring thoughts.  Here is 3 years of results from Stay n Charge system on MY boat!

1.  I have yet to run out of trolling power on the water!

2.  I have yet replaced my batteries and I check them before hitting the water each time.

3.  The system WILL charge my TM batteries in around 10 minutes of running time.  Are they full charge?  Have no idea, I fish, let the system do it's thing and I do mine.  As long as it is working why would I even worry about looking to see?

4.  I have a friend that has a 12V system and the company sent him a off the shelf new trial that they where working on, talked with him on the phone, even called to check and see if he like the system.  He LOVES it!!!!

5.  I don't care about numbers, amps, volts, time, ect.....  yall can argue till the end of time about what it should do, should not do, does do, and I don't care!!!  The system WORKS, PERIOD.

Now, lets put this to rest, and if you want to argue, purchase a system, be HONEST in your report and you too, no matter what the numbers are or what they should be, will be extremely happy with the system.

Lee Smith
El Grande Lures
Kistler Rods
Karu Lures

Thank You Very well put.
Go2Baits, Flying Fisherman, Nemire Lures


I do not mean to Hijack or nothing but I have the Stealth system on my boat... How does it compare to the stats that have been listed here? Have a great day and see you all out on the water.

Creel Limit Zero

To those that are talking about the Stay n Charge, have their been any complaints or issues from end users that were unable to start their Big Motor up due to the alternator not giving exclusive charging to the Starting battery?  I do believe that what you are describing for the most part will certainly keep your trolling motor batteries in a healthy enough state to absolutely give yourself a full day on the water.  My concern would be with running your live pumps non-stop due to unfavorable water conditions for the bass in the livewell putting a lot of stress on the starting battery.  That short trips from one spot on the water to the other given that they are charging the TM batteries that it could become an issue?

Just wondering. 

At any rate, to all that has been posted here, I agree with both sides.  You can't charge your battery from 1/2 empty to full charge in 10 minutes running time with a Stay n charge hooked up.  But just remember, if you have a full charge on your batteries, and you run your TM for 1 hour.  If you are close to half empty or worse, your batteries or trolling motor are not working properly for the set up you have.  If you have the right set up for your boat, trolling motor, and good batteries, you should not be draining half of your battery in one hour.... 


Quote from: Hexabob on February 07, 2011, 11:47:23 AM
I do not mean to Hijack or nothing but I have the Stealth system on my boat... How does it compare to the stats that have been listed here? Have a great day and see you all out on the water.
The two systems work completly different ways, Everyone has there opinions on both and I wish you all the luck with the unit you have.
Jim Payne


You won't find anyone that has had problems with the staring battery getting run down because of the trolling batteries taking all the juice because the units won't come on unless the starting battery is full first.
Jim Payne


Quote from: Creel Limit Zero on February 07, 2011, 12:00:48 PM
To those that are talking about the Stay n Charge, have their been any complaints or issues from end users that were unable to start their Big Motor up due to the alternator not giving exclusive charging to the Starting battery? 

I had an issue when I installed mine because I knew that you could watch the SnC unit and see the lights switching between the TM batteries to insure every thing was working as it was suppose to. Mine was running off the unit that charges from the truck and I was not getting the revolving lights on the unit. I made a call to SnC to help troubleshoot the problem and after confirming I had everything wired up correctly he said the only thing it could be was that my cranking battery was not charged enough to allow the switch over. I believe he said I would need atleast 13VDC on the cranking battery before it would charge so I pulled out my meter and put on the cranking bat and sure enough it only had like 11.8VDC or so. As soon as the Cranking bat was up to charge it started switching between the TM bats.


All I can say is with a 90 day guarantee and great customer service, what's not to like with StayNCharge??
The proof is in the pudding!!!!!!!! ;D


from what i understand about electrical systems, the stay n charge works as a "router" it takes your alternator off your boats motor and routs the charge to your trolling batteries and not just your cranking battery. the reason it cycles is to evenly charge both, or all three of you trolling batteries, plus its keep the batteries from getting to hot, if you think about the way this works, if you batteries r 80% charged and you make a run. it will charge them back to full. and its more efficient because it cycles, if it didn't cycle you batteries would get hot and it would take longer to charge. if you don't think this will work, go start your truck up, its the same concept. the product just spreads it around to all your batteries. this is a great product, i wish i would have thought of it! I'm looking at getting one myself. i have 100% confidence in this company.

good fishing, "The Kid".  ~cf
Kal-Valley Member


Well, Jim is a man of his word, I recieved the tow n charge last week I will install in a couple of weeks, thanks Jim !!
" My greatest fear is, when I die my wife will sell my fishing gear for what I told her I bought it for"