Broken Skeet Reese needed!

Started by watsjigs, June 28, 2010, 10:18:51 AM

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I broke the tip off a new Skeet Reese Rod (used maybe 6 times) and Bass Pro won't exchange it because it was a Christmas gift and over the 30 day warranty. The rod still has the bar code sticker on it and everything. I kept a rod sock on it and I haven't broken a rod in over 10 years. I take real good care of my equipment.  :'(

They gave me a number to call Wright and McGill's but they haven't returned my calls for two weeks now...anybody got any helpful information?

I'm very hesitant to buy rods from Bass Pro from now because of this... ~rant

When I was a teenager I used to break rods right and left and Wal-Mart and Academy would take them back without much hassle.

My suggestion: don't break a rod from Bass Pro or a Skeet Reese rod.

Any help out there?


How did you break it?  If the break wasn't caused by materials or workmanship I don't understand why you would think it would be replaced.
Chris Ponder
2013 Skeeter 21I
Yamaha 250 SHO


not for sure how it got broke but i know when i was looking at them i aske dmy local shop if they was gonna carry them and they said that they wont because W&M wont let them do over the counter exchanges. it had to be done through the company.


well, persoanlly Brad, I love the new Berkley Lightning Shock Series rods, at BPS, only 49.99 and 54.99, strongest rod that i use, sensitive tip but strong backbone, i use the 6'6 MH for everything, thats what i used to catch my fish in these last two tournys that ive won, havent had a single problem with them. Trust me , buy one,the only thing ill say about them is the little ridge on the trigger can be frustrating at first but it will wear down fast.

Advantage Bait Company Pro Staff, Bulldawg Rods, Lews, Solar Bat Sunglasses Pro Staff, River Rat Tackle, Owner Hooks Pro Staff, Red Dirt Baits, Boing Lures


The issue is with the maker, not BPS, because they have a different warantee.  I have several carrot stix and shimano rods, which BPS has very liberally allowed me to exchange due to breakage.  I never buy a rod that doesn't have over the counter warantee.


I love the new berkly rods. I just don't have the funds for a high dollar rod. The price is awesome and they are strong and way lighter than the old ones.


I have a local tackle shop that I do 90% of my business with when it comes to rods. He gives me a great discount, usually 25-30% of retail and regardless of manufactors warranty he will do an over the counter for me no questions asked.



sounds like a good owner there Joe. wish there was more like him to take care of the customers. ~c~


I broke one of the Carbonlite Rods from BPS that I purchased in January - Walked in with NO receipt and gave her my BPS rewards card and she scanned it and told me to go get another one - wasn't a problem at all.

I'll tell you what I did witness just two weeks ago - A friend of mine had an All-Star Rod (at least 3 years old) that he purchased from Academy - he broke it and we walked into Academy with nothing but the ROD in two pieces and she said go get you another one and after we returned with the new rod - He just gave her - his Drivers License and filled out a little form and we walked out. I heard that Academy does that on most of the rods they carry. - At BPS I heard they will only do it on the Shimano's and BPS brands (that info came from a bass guide).

Personally I'd keep calling Wright and McGill - I think they'll make it right. Good Luck

I'd go with a little less quality rod for an over the counter exchange any day than having to box something up and wasting my time running all the place looking for the post office.  I know that Academy probably doesn't have the selection, but I've had some good experience returning things - not to mention the saving of about .50-$1 on baits.  Friend took a Citica Reel that he bought NEW off of Ebay and the drag was messed up, but was going on a fishing trip and needed something quick - went to Academy and one of the guys told him that they have a deal with Shimano and would just send it back and get another one - so he took it up there and exchanged it and got a another one and Academy - took responsibility for the shipping it off and everything. HELLO Customer Service!


Thanks for the advice...I really just needed to vent a little, but I also wanted to know if anyone else has had this issue with Skeet Reese rods or BPS...I usually don't buy rods i can't take back...this rod was a gift.

Quote from: Lawguy513 on June 28, 2010, 01:09:32 PM
The issue is with the maker, not BPS, because they have a different warantee.  I have several carrot stix and shimano rods, which BPS has very liberally allowed me to exchange due to breakage.  I never buy a rod that doesn't have over the counter warantee.

I know what you mean, I took a carrot stick back last year just because i didn't like it and they refunded my money no questions asked with a receipt that was over 30 days. I had no idea they wouldn't do that for all rods they sell.

Quote from: caponder on June 28, 2010, 11:59:15 AM
How did you break it?  If the break wasn't caused by materials or workmanship I don't understand why you would think it would be replaced.

It was normal use...nothing i haven't done many times with many other rods, even with braid. I was throwing abuzzbait on 20 lb mono and tried to pop it of a snag.

I will continue to call w and M.


If you don't get a reponse out of W&M, then go to Skeet's web page and leave him a Message.  He get's all of the messages and is usually willing to help.


Here you go. This is how Falcon takes care of the few i have had to send back.

Wright & McGill Co. Rod Warranty
Wright & McGill Rods - Limited Lifetime Warranty

Wright & McGill guarantees the original owner with a Limited Lifetime Warranty against defects in workmanship and materials. In order for this warranty to apply, the rod must be registered, within 10 days of purchase, using our online warranty registration system at If the rod should fail due to a defect in material or workmanship, we will replace the rod, at our discretion, and return it to you. Simply return the rod with a copy of your original receipt directly to the Wright & McGill Co. Rod Warranty Center. In order for us to complete the warranty as quickly as possible, we must have the entire rod including the broken parts.

Please ship to the address below, freight prepaid, insured for your original purchase price in a disposable container. Include a copy of the original purchase receipt and a check or money order for $30.00 payable to Wright & McGill Co. to cover the cost of processing and handling. (International customers will be charged actual shipping and insurance costs, and will be responsible for all related customs and duty charges.) Please be sure to include your name, address, email, daytime phone number including area code and a short note describing the problem.

Wright & McGill Co.
Attn: Warranty Center
4245 East 46th Ave.
Denver, CO 80216
Cutting grass is a no win proposition. Might as well go fishin.


What's interesting here is that the price of a new rod is set to allow for the inevitable warranty replacements. Manufacturers who charge fees for replacement (other than a nominal shipping fee if needed) appear to be taking advantage of the normal price padding by pocketing the additional amount and charging the customer for most or all of the manufacturer's cost of a replacement.

Company A and company B sell similar rods for the same price. Company A prices their rod at $100 and figures that 1 in 5 rods will be replaced at their cost of $30, so $6 of the $100 price is used to process warranty replacements. Company B prices their rod at $100, but they charge their warranty customers the $30 for replacements even though they expect 1 in 5 rods to need replacement. Which company would you prefer to buy from? If you buy a rod from company A, the price you pay is all you pay. If you buy from company B, you might as well add the "warranty replacement" cost to the price of the rod. Whether it's your fault or theirs, you'll end up paying for the replacement from company B.

This isn't just a problem with fishing rods -- lots of companies follow the "company B" model. It helps them increase profits. But the details are usually buried in the fine print that you don't read until you have to use the warranty.


Unfortunately, this rod was a gift and i never saw a receipt. In the future I will make sure I understand the warranty before I start using a rod.

I'm going to use the $30 and packing/shipping costs to go buy a new rod. I will not be buying another Skeet Reese rod, though.

Anybody got a recommendation for a Senko/Fluke Rod under $150?

Mikeydidit and tsmith35 your posts were very helpful...thank you!


sounds like a good idea. personally i like the mojo series from st croix at about 100


Look at the Ducket Micros. They are very close to the price you are willing to pay and the micro guides will increase casting distance and sensetivity for weightless plastics.


Berkley Lightning Shock Series from BPS, 6'6 MH perfect for everything. Trust me Brad buy it, has been my favorite rod for months now.

Advantage Bait Company Pro Staff, Bulldawg Rods, Lews, Solar Bat Sunglasses Pro Staff, River Rat Tackle, Owner Hooks Pro Staff, Red Dirt Baits, Boing Lures


Quote from: watsjigs on June 28, 2010, 04:14:30 PM
Thanks for the advice...I really just needed to vent a little, but I also wanted to know if anyone else has had this issue with Skeet Reese rods or BPS...I usually don't buy rods i can't take back...this rod was a gift.

I've never had any issues (knock on wood) with BPS, Cabelas, Scheels...they've all stood behind their products with great integrity...

that said, I believe in this situation it's NOT a BPS's a W$M issue...not sure it's 'fair' to keep chipping away on BPS (in this case)...


I too have had good luck (I'd guess you'd call it) at BPS. Never given me any problems. And to me the $20.00 i send to Falcon to replace a $179.00 rod is well worth it. Covers their shipping and handling cost with insurance. So that part doesn't bother me. But $30. to replace a free rod doesn't sound too bad either. At least if you like it.
Cutting grass is a no win proposition. Might as well go fishin.


I went by BPS today after lunch. The manager at BPS was very helpful, he told me that they will only refund/exchange Carrott Sticks, Shimano Rods and BPS rods after the 30 day warranty.

Most average anglers get lucky to go fishing more than once in 30 days...especially if you buy in December or in my case get a Christmas mother in law bought the rod in November. The warranty was void before I ever touched the rod. And W&M warranty has to be submitted 10 days after you buy the rod and must be submitted by the original purchaser.....I'm going to call and complain to my Mother and Law for not submitting it for me. ~roflmao

I hope this helps others before they make their next purchase.

I'm done complaining! Now i'm off the buy a new rod!


Quote from: watsjigs on June 29, 2010, 02:34:49 PM
I went by BPS today after lunch. The manager at BPS was very helpful, he told me that they will only refund/exchange Carrott Sticks, Shimano Rods and BPS rods after the 30 day warranty...

I'm done complaining! Now i'm off the buy a new rod!

I'd recommend you consider a Shimano Crucial...I'm using a 6.5 footer, medium it lots...


Can you just get a replacement tip?  How far down is it broken? 


Quote from: Lawguy513 on June 29, 2010, 03:14:21 PM
Can you just get a replacement tip?  How far down is it broken? 

I may have too, but it broke right above the second line guide....took some of the soft tip action away for fishing weightless senkos and flukes. Thanks!


Berkley Berkley Berkley, lol, my favorite
Advantage Bait Company Pro Staff, Bulldawg Rods, Lews, Solar Bat Sunglasses Pro Staff, River Rat Tackle, Owner Hooks Pro Staff, Red Dirt Baits, Boing Lures