tip for adding oil to bearings

Started by Pro Reel, June 10, 2010, 11:04:05 PM

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Pro Reel

Everyone knows that you should have your reels serviced once a year, but what about regular maintenace between service. The best way to keep you reel running smooth between full service is to be sure your spool bearings stay lubricated. This is especially important with the thinner performace oils that many of us use. The reel will usually let you know when the bearings need a drop of oil. The cast speed will start to slow a bit or maybe the bearings will develop a squealing noise. On most reels it's very easy to get to the spool bearings. One will be in the brake side plate. One will be under the cast control knob. The third, for reels that have 3 spool bearings, will be on the spool shaft. The trick is to add just one small drop of oil. Thats easy if you have a precision needle oiler. Most reel oils don't have a needle tip. One easy way to get just the right amount is to use a large sewing needle. You dip the open end of the needle in the oil and the thread hole will hold a drop of oil until you touch it to the bearing. Try to get the single drop of oil right into the gap around the shield and the inner ring. Work the bearing around or spin it with something rounded on the end until the oil is distributed in the bearing.

Lee Smith

Thanks Kevin!  Great info!  I noticed on your website, you've been BUSY!  ~c~  Told ya  lo

The pains of being the best  ~c~  ;D
Builder of Custom Personal Bassin' Rods


thanks i need to do this after this summer on all my reels I have bought the first of this year and late last year. Thanks Pro reel