Daiwa autocast clutch.

Started by Dug, May 16, 2010, 06:54:22 AM

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If you use Daiwas, did you know that you can re-engage the drive on your Daiwa reel simply by pushing up on the thumb-bar after you make the cast?  I didn't know this until recently and now use it almost every time I cast, instead of cranking the the handle, I just put my thumb under and it gives me that much quicker a set in case I get a fast bite.  I have tried this with my shimanos and quantums and they just don't do it but it works with every Daiwa I have tried.  You may still have to turn the handle to fully engage the gears, but for a quick line stop, it seems to work great.  I have also read that the quantum PT series will do this but I haven't been able to verify.

In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away.


Dug. Thanks for the heads up. I have all Quantums and will give this a try as soon as I can. Will get back to you. Sounds like a great way for quick hooksets when your bait is falling.

"Success is a Journey. Not a destination".


Good find Dug!

I've just tried it on my Daiwa reels and it works great. I also tried my Revo reels and it doesn't work, then I tried it on my new 'orean brand reels and it worked again.
Thanks for sharing Dug!!
2020 IBASS Gold - Zone 2 - AOY
2020 IBASS Classic - Winner
2020 IBASS Team Tourney - Winner (with FD)

Pro Reel

several reels do that. It just depends on how the thumbar conects to the clutch. It does engage the gears and if your reel works like that, then there is nothing wrong with using it like that if you want to.


great idea man now im gonna have to try it out on some of mine.