Browns Lake 4-10-2010

Started by bassackwards, April 11, 2010, 09:34:59 AM

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Fished Browns Lake yesterday. One one bite (pic Below) 2.6lb 15.25". Snyders Bend is closed due to paving and there was a tournament on the lake. I launched at 12:20 and there were at least 25 boats on the water. It was tough fishing since every place I went had gotten hammered before I got to it. I didnt see the tournament weigh-in but I heard the biggest fish was 3.6lb and the tournament was won by a black and blue jig pitched to the tree lined shore. Water temp was 53-54 degress winds were 4.6mph out the north. It was overcast most of the day and the water clarity was about 8-10 inches.
Tungsten and Trokars. Going broke one breakoff at a time.

Crigger Craw

nice fish good to hear that tournaments in iowa are underway it was a long winter


You got that right.  This weekend is the start of very busy weekends lo