Open Water Season

Started by CraigP83, March 31, 2010, 08:32:58 AM

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Quote from: Swede on July 30, 2010, 04:07:57 PM
Holy Cow!!  Limit of those would go 15lbs - nice!! ~c~  What kind of stuff were you using today regards baits??

Grub worms, Swim Jigs, and a DT4 were the only baits producing... my buddy and I were on a roll using a green pumpkin grub on the swim jigs until we ran out of them. couldnt buy a bite with any other colors, we tried purple, junebug, white, chartruese, they wanted nothing else

Ron Fogelson

Quote from: CraigP83 on July 30, 2010, 03:16:10 PM
what do you guys think, did it swallow a softball?

Better check with the MN Vikings, I think they lost a football  :shocking:                  ~roflmao

Once again great rreport with Photos!  Home sick again  :(


Fished the Bass Federation State Tournament on Lake Minnetonka the past week. Fishing was really tough for a lot of people but as always a couple guys were really on them. I was in 37th out of 164 after day one, however fell to 57th after day two due to the fact that I only brought in two fish. Here are the two I weighed the second day.

Ron Fogelson

Sorry to hear about the hard fishing CraigP83 but thanks for the photo & report.
Do you know what it took to win the event?


34.98lbs, Actually it looks like I took 56th. Here are the results.

Ron Fogelson

Cool thanks for the link.  By the way that is a nice looking smallie  ~c~


That is a nice smallie - some really good fish caught even if the overall numbers were down.  A couple 6+ pounders - those are some hefty northern strain bass! ~shade
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small.
Rascal Flatts


Real nice looking smallies.  ~c~ It won't be much longer now before y'all start getting hard water  :'( :'( I saw on the weather last night thry said the F word for parts of your state. FROST

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


Temps are dropping and the leaves are changing. Here is a 17'' fish my buddy got the other day.


Fall is definitely in the air.  Nice bass - you'll be jigging through hard water before you know it. 
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small.
Rascal Flatts


Got out this weekend. Its starting to get cold, water temps were around 50 degrees. Found most fish in roughly 7-8 fow. I was using my new favorite bait a jigworm  :-* The key was to look for any remaining GREEN weeds close to deeper water.

Ron Fogelson

Thanks for the photos of Home Craig  ~c~

Whats a jig worm?


Its a Jig and a Worm  ~roflmao ;) lo

I was using a Northland tackle Lip-Stick Jig 3/16th oz (Mushroom head style), along with a 4'' Senko.

So friggin simple but puts fish in the boat no matter what, If they want something moving I take off the senko and put on a Zoom Fat Albert Grub.

Ron Fogelson

So how is that different than a shaky head?


Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


Quote from: Ron Fogelson on November 03, 2010, 04:19:07 AM
So how is that different than a shaky head?
Its basically the samething. Its got an exposed hook which differs from most shaky head jigs ive seen. I also feel like you can use bulkier baits and it has a little less action. Here is a video I watched that shows exactly what I was doing. I dont use this particular brands jig heads as mentioned above but Ive heard they are pretty good.

Ron Fogelson


Open water season is officially done for me  :'( Got the boat stored in the backyard and line stripped off my reels.
However Im hoping to be ice fishing within 3-4 weeks! Already have a trip to Lake of the Woods planned for the end of January  ;D
Im looking forward to the St. Paul Ice Fishing Show the 1st weekend of December too, I've been looking at those new Vexilar FL-22hd's. The bait monkey definately does not go into hibernation during these months.  :surrender: