Side Imaging question

Started by Bassinkorea, January 20, 2010, 04:54:19 AM

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I read a review somewhere that mentioned that SI doesn't work/doesn't work well in water deeper than 20 foot.
Who here has used they SI in water over 20 foot deep and what results did you get??

I'm thinking about getting an SI unit and will be using it in water upto 80 deep and need to know if it'll work in water this deep.

The Humminbird site states that the SI works in 150 foot, so I would like to hear some real life experiences  :)
2020 IBASS Gold - Zone 2 - AOY
2020 IBASS Classic - Winner
2020 IBASS Team Tourney - Winner (with FD)

bob baldwin

There is a lot of misinformation about Humminbird SI from people who have no idea what they are talking about. Others just want to make Humminbird look bad any way they can. To view many SI images and decide for yourself, join the yahoo group:
Then, look under photos. If you are considering going the Lowrance route, all I can say is good luck, and hope you never need customer service.

bob baldwin
bryan, texas
997c SI
1197c SI


Steve, I have been using the SI for over a year now. It has no problem with giving excellent images up to 100 feet that I have personally viewed and used. Granted the majority of my lakes are not near that deep but I have made my way northward alittle and used it in deeper water with no problems. Normally when I run it in my home waters I run a 75' path on both sides, when you get to deeper water you have to stretch that out.



when you look at the 'transducer pattern' that SI is putting out (based on the info on websites) sure seems to me that depth won't be an issue.

If you can get good images 75 feet to the side of your boat, why wouldn't you get that in deeper water?  Unless it has something to do with the design of the HB transducer...

I have my Lowrance unit and will be installing/running it this spring so I currently can't give first hand experience...but IF (and that's a big IF) it works better in deeper water, it MIGHT be due to a true 'downscan' capability vs 'virtual/recreation' from the SI (see HB software update which now 'allows' downscan view)

again, not sure the thought process is right/correct or on target at all.  And NOT taking any shots at HB...they're good units.

But I'm happy to offer up an opinion based on what you paid... lo

bob baldwin

From what I have seen, either brand will do well - It's a personal preference thing. I see more and more good images coming from Lowrance users every day. Here is an image from a Humminbird - don't know the source. Hope the image upload works - I'm new around here.

bob baldwin
bryan, texas
997c SI
1197c SI

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Quote from: -Joe- on January 20, 2010, 12:45:01 PM
Steve, I have been using the SI for over a year now. It has no problem with giving excellent images up to 100 feet that I have personally viewed and used. Granted the majority of my lakes are not near that deep but I have made my way northward alittle and used it in deeper water with no problems. Normally when I run it in my home waters I run a 75' path on both sides, when you get to deeper water you have to stretch that out.


Thanks Joe, that's just the answer I was looking for  ;)

Thank you also Bob for your input....and welcome to UB  ;D

I would love to hear others experiences with these units in deep water and just general good or bad points.
2020 IBASS Gold - Zone 2 - AOY
2020 IBASS Classic - Winner
2020 IBASS Team Tourney - Winner (with FD)


I just got Structure Scan for my HDS unit today. I plan to install it tomorrow and head up to the lake later in the day. There is plenty of deep water there so I can give you some info tomorrow evening as to how well it works in deeper water.


Wasn't able to make it to the lake today but, I did go to a pond closer to my house that has 40' deep water and the side imaging worked just fine there. I found things today that I had no idea what they were before. Apparently someone has been putting out fish attractors and I know where they are now. :) I also picked apart a few ditches that I had some idea of. Unfortunately, I didn't do much fishing, instead a lot of looking and playing with the new toy. I did mark quite a few waypoints. for later.


I installed  the structure scan paired up with an HDS 5, and although the images are clear, they're a little too small for my eyes.  The down scan is really a nice option to have.  Also I used the downscan overlay on with the sonar, but didn't care for that screen very much.  My SS is mounted on the jackplate and the transducer for the sonar is thru the hull.  I'd recommend if you have the money to get at least an HDS 8.  When you split screen the 5, the imges are samll and hard to see and from wHAT i understand, the 7 isn't quite 7...but of course budget seems to drive everything.


one of the things I'm looking forward to is Lowrance putting up the HDS/LSS-1 Emulator allow me to record to a chip and play back on my PC monitor...this'll be way cool...

and one of the things I try to do:  review 'off the water'  what I thought I saw 'on' the make notes.

do this currently with my straight set ups...pretty helpful