Removing old paint from the bottom of a aluminum boat?

Started by Flinch, October 25, 2005, 05:10:15 PM

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Can anyone tell me what is the easiest way to remove old paint from the bottom of a 15 ft aluminum boat?  I have used paint stripper for most of the boat but i cant get under there enough.  The boat is heavy also.  Weighs about 600-700 lbs.


I had my old alum boat sand blasted then primed with glove-it.  Never leaked since.  Does require you to send to a sand blasting shop , then rollon the glove-it and bam! its sealed.  Stuff really sinks inot the cracks and holes if they aren't too big.

Good luck


Where can i get that glove it?  Is it a clear coat or colored?


semi-clear,  I beleive I picked mine up from my local marine dealer/repairman