Started by Beagle, October 03, 2009, 01:31:37 AM

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Well, I know this is a little early but, they put the schedule out and I'm a gonna post it.



Back for a 3rd straight year, the TNT TRASH TALK. Dad and I were humbled this past season and we are changing up our whole game plan for 2010. Can't really trash talk this early though. Heck, after our preformance last season, can't really trash talk at all.  ~roflmao


I'm new to UB, but thanks for putting out the schedule beagle, new to cross but maybe by this march i'll have me a few spots learned. looking forward to meeting  u guys and fishing a few of them.

Ron Fogelson

The TNT trail is very well run, those guys do a great job and for the most part the anglers are in and out of the launch faster than any other place I've seen.  I mean they have more boats than parking spots and last year had to have the cops out directing traffic just so we could park tow vehicles and trailers on the side of the road, due to the 100 plus boats.

Todd has done things very well from the 1st tournament I fished years ago and Bayou jumped in and IMHO have positively added to the trail.



This will be year 5 for us and it has been a blast every year. Hope we can win a few this year. ~shhh


I guess it will be my 5th also. Todd and I fished a couple one year. Then Byran one year, then Dad the last 2. Yep, 5th.


Me and Mike will be out there again and hopefully not donate all of 2010....Looking forward to March

Bass Cat Boats Moderator / Dobyns Rods Pro Staff
2020 Bass Cat Eyra 2020 Mercury 300R 4S


Darren, It would be much easier if you would just strap me out a check, sit at home, and save the gas money. You will come out better and it would free your time up for more constructive things. Heck, you might even pick up a hobby like bowling or golf on Thursday evenings.


ok I'm new at this. What is TNT?


Thurday  Night Tournement  ;)


Its actually a Thursday Evening Tornament. Last year we had around 100, 2 person teams, at several events. Until Day Light Savings, we only have a couple hours to fish. They are wild to say the least. A couple UB members put them on and do a great job. Bayou Outdoor Supercenter is the sponsor and they put on a 1st class championship at the end of the season. Payouts are usually well over $1000 for winning an event. Hope this helps.
BTW- seveal UB members fish it and I set the "trash talk" up so we can poke fun and pick on each other here.


Hey Beagle....I have actually Golfed and Bowled in leagues....I failed to make money off of either....I think that I will stick to fishing ~roflmao ~roflmao ~roflmao ~roflmao
I will be ready this year....ready to burn that gas....just try and keep up ~roflmao ~gf

Bass Cat Boats Moderator / Dobyns Rods Pro Staff
2020 Bass Cat Eyra 2020 Mercury 300R 4S


Me too. Thats why i got a little boat with a 90. I feel like I dont lose as much as most.


Thanks for putting up the schedule. ~beer~this ones for you cause now I can figure out if I will miss to many and break the news to my fiance' . She will be real happy to lose me every other thursday ~rant But thanks again its worth it.


Thursday week and IT'S ON.


So let the smack begin!

Did your dad ever find a real partner to fish with?? lo
G Loomis rods and Shimano reels!

Ron Fogelson

Quote from: skeeter_bite on March 06, 2010, 10:00:10 AM
So let the smack begin!

Did your dad ever find a real partner to fish with?? lo

Zing!   ~roflmao ~roflmao


hahaha, yea he found one. Mike Regan. Mike was tired of carrying the team and picked up a real partner.

Double ZING   ~roflmao  ~roflmao


Bass Cat Boats Moderator / Dobyns Rods Pro Staff
2020 Bass Cat Eyra 2020 Mercury 300R 4S


All I can do is smile. 3 days to go boys and girl. Yes, I said girl. I think Mike Cork will be fishing with a girl. HeHeHe, trying to draw Laurie out.
I'm not really worried about Beast. He's been pre-fishing and that NEVER works on the DEAD SEA.


Leave Laurie out of this...heck she carries the team...don't want to ruffle her feathers....I would hate for her and Mike to team up....UNBEATABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:D

Bass Cat Boats Moderator / Dobyns Rods Pro Staff
2020 Bass Cat Eyra 2020 Mercury 300R 4S


I'm working on a "Time Out".  ~roflmao


Yeah I wouldnt worry about beast either, but i hear he has a pretty good partner thats does a good job at putting overs in the boat!
LOL  lo
I caught you a delicious bass!


I stickied the results in this board. I will update them as I get them after each tournament is over. Congrats to each of you that caught fish... It was a tough bite.
