October Tournament

Started by BMiles, September 19, 2005, 07:32:47 AM

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Anyone want to consider having a 2-day in October?  November and December are kind of tough to plan a 2-day since we have big holidays both those months.  We do have two 3-day weekends as options.  Oct 8,9,10 (Columbus day); and Nov 11,12,13 (Veterans day).  Just a thought for planning ahead.


Hey bob,  I would like to try that.  but for the november break.  Also would like to consider doing October tournament early in the month.  I have an exercise around the middle of the month plus i should be moving into base housing towards the end of the month. If thats ok with everyone else.  i know other members have obligations too.


I wouldn't mind it though we just had one at Wink's place.  Money is tough for me right now with the house being about complete.  I wouldn't mind fishing something different though.  I could even handle a one day Eufaula trip (go Friday and come back Saturday)

Michelle may be working by then so I may not be able to do it anyway :(


It looks like we may have another gas-crisis coming up thanks to Rita.  ~xyz

I believe we had three suggestions for next month:

      Dear Point

      White City

      Apalachicola Below the Dam

Any thoughts or other suggestions from anyone? 

I vote on the closest and least likely to require using a lot of gas in the boat...


I believe you're right Bob.   >:(


I agree.. white city or deerpoint for me.


Bill, as long as you don't fish with Ralee lo


if i fish like i did at black creek, you definetly don't have anything to worry about...