jig kits/molds?

Started by matt jahner, January 16, 2009, 01:25:01 PM

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matt jahner

hello everone.. My name is matthew jahner, I am 17 years old and am a member of North Dakota's only Bass Fishing Club Named The Badlands Bass Bandits.. I was Diagnosed with leukemia on December 18th and will be recieving chemotherepy every monday for 6 months so i will be at home mondays and tuesdays with nothing to do and since i wont be doing as much bass fishing this year and will be confined to the house most of the time I got the idea to buy some kits to make my own pig'n'jigs. I would like to find some kind of kit where it comes with everything. molds, skirts, paint, everything that i need so i can supply many of members with some new lures in return for everything they have done for me during this rough stretch. Maybe work my way up to making my own tubes also. I just need something to keep me busy and i couldnt think of a better way to spend my time since fishing will be out of the question for awhile..... If anyone knows where I can get these kits it would be very appreciated.. Feel free to check out our club..  www.badlandsbassbandits.com

Thank you all,
Matthew Jahner


Hi Mathew and a big welcome to UB.....glad you came by.. ~c~

Probably gonna be hard to find everything you need in just one kit but BPS has one kit with pre-poured jig heads, vice, paint, and other materials needed to create your own hair jigs.....guess it's may be a good place to start..


They also have other fly-tying kits for bass and trout....would seem like a good hobby in your neck of the woods also... :)

I do make my own jigs but don't pour them....I just buy unpainted heads from Jann's Netcraft and a few other sources....you have to kinda watch what you buy...especially if you intend to pour your own to make sure they have a large enough hook for your type of fishing...

I use a powder coat on my jigs using some fluid beds I made myself, but UB member "J B" has a pretty good thread on painting them in this same area...

You also sound like a very brave young man so do hope things work out for the best for you..

Best wishes,



Hey Matthew it's great to have you here with us. I'm sure you'll be making top notch jigs in no time. Wishing you the best, and keeping you in my prayers.



I'm not sure if there is a kit out there that will give you everything you need Matt. I bet some of the members here like JB and a few other jig makers can point you in the right direction. Check out jannsnetcraft.com, barlowstackle.com, and do-itmolds.com. I know do-it has a few starter kits that may interest you. ;) Let us know if you need anymore help buddy and welcome to the site! If you decide to start painting crankbaits; let me, thecrankincracker, BIG M, or javelin225ho know and we'll get you going. Good luck and stay strong man. ~cf


not to change the subject but when i was down sick for some time i got a small rubber plug and sat in the chair and pitched to every thing i could see the table leg the dog what ever to hone my skill try it