Gas Tank Size- 1996 170TF

Started by kinggabbo, November 21, 2008, 10:50:32 AM

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Does anyone know the gas tank size for a 1996 170TF?



hey i have a 93 170tf and have been wondering the same thing...someone told me 20 gal...if you find out please let me know thanks
Young Guns Fishing Team!!!!


I actually found it on the tank. It is 22 gallons (at least on the one I have)


cool thanks...i would imagine they should be about the same.....where did you see it listed just so i could double you like the boat....i just recently purchased mine it's a 93 170tf rick clunn edition and so far i am loving it...
Young Guns Fishing Team!!!!


No prob. I found it on the left rear of the fuel tank. I had to wipe dirt and dust off the fuel tank and found a label under it that tells how many gallons.

I also have the Rick Clunn edition model. I took it out yesterday, motor wouldn't start ('96 Force 120HP).  Today I tried it and it seems like it starts great but when I release the key it immediately dies. Any thoughts on that? I am new to boats/motors and would appreciate any help.


i am fairly new aswell when you are starting it push the button in on the throttle and give it some gas...when you push that button in it puts it in neutral and you can actually give it some throttle..if that makes sence...i have a older motor and need to do that to give some extra gas when starting....i don't know where you are located but i just took mine to a local outboard guy and he was great...i can give you their # if you are in s fl....again trying to is the big round button on the lower part of the throttle arm...just above the ignition...if you press in you can push the throttle forward some and start the motor...good luck...feel free to ask any questions you may have..i am fairly new to this boat thing myself but will try to help any way i can....also make sure you pump the primer ball on the fuel line a couple of times too....
Young Guns Fishing Team!!!!