Have you checked your first aid kit

Started by crash, November 20, 2008, 01:22:38 AM

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I don't know if thus tip has been done, but I thought it would be good to bring up again. 

Checking your first aid kit on the boat should be done regularly like checking you fire extinguisher.

You make sure your antibiotic ointment is in date, your bandaides are still usable.
Check your medical tape also, they do go bad.
Peroxide can be found in small bottles and is always good to have if you get cut by a fish.  Did you know you can develop a fish allergy?  It happens alot with fishing guides at the coast.

Ibuprofen is good to have in a kit for inflammation and pain. 

Shawn and I carry an extra medical kit in a zip lock bag to keep everything dry.  We added more things that might come in handy than what can be found in a store bought first aid kit: e.i. ace bandage, bigger gauze, larger bandaids, small scissors, small wire cutters to cut hooks, iodine. 

So, the next timeyou go over your boat checking safety regs., check that first aid kit.  Be safe and good fishing!


Good advice there Crash, I know I have not check mine since last spring!  :embarassed:


I check mine every so often...I have to...I'm accident prone and I never know what I will need  lo lo


 ~beer~  Now who can argue with that!!!...Good Tip...might save the day ~c~
Lets Go Fishing


Awesome safety tip Crash, thanks for the reminder. I have a very basic kit, so I should add a few extra things  :-* :-*
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Good Tip!  It's one of those items we never give any thought until something bad happens and need it.  Mine has seen some use over the years.  :shocking:


Very good tip.  Something I think should be added to a first aid kit is a "hook removal system", have needed it for other anglers in other boats many times. 

This Fall while showing some guys around the Chaumont bay area one got a hook on a jerk bait buried past the barb.  His partner cut the hook as the rest of the lure was still attached to a very lively Smallmouth.  With the hook cut the new "pop the hook out" method using heavy line obviouly was not an option.  The guy did not want to quit fishing to go the the ER so they used a pair of Vice Grips I carry on board to do virtually the same thing.  Worked perfectly, after using some antibiotic and a bandaid he was back fishing within a few minutes.