help with identifying lures

Started by Ellie Mae, October 18, 2008, 10:18:03 PM

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Ellie Mae

i was wondering if anyone could identify these lures :-\
got them at the flea market for .50 each, the guy i bought them from asked if they were salt or fresh water lures ~roflmao

of course i know 4 are RatLTraps

also i finished my first lure

i only painted eyes on it, my neighbor thought it looked cool  8)
doesnt swim perfect but it looked like an injured fish
bass fishin' redneck


1-4 on the right look like rattle traps with the factory hooks.
5 on the left Pop-R
3 on the left ???? Have one but don't know.

Your first lure reminds me of a Poe Cedar Bait. Looks good!  ~c~ ~c~ ~c~

Hope this helps.  ;D


Looks like you got a good deal! You're lure looks great too!  ~c~

#2 looks like an Excalibur Fat Free Shad, as it's got the rotating trebles on it, and #6  looks like a Storm Wiggle Wart, or one of the other "Wart" versions.

I have a couple of those #4 lures around here somewhere, but don't know if they're Rattletraps or not.  I'll have to dig them out & see!  :)

That #1 might also be a Storm lure, but it's hard to tell from the pic!  :)
Fanatical Fly Tyer & Tackle Maker!  It's An OBSESSION!!  J. Hester Fly & Tackle Co. LLC.

Ellie Mae

thanks! i am soo proud of my first crank

#1 i thought that  might be a storm but didnt find a logo on it
#2 your right! i looked it up and it looks like it on pearl white
#3 only got it cause it was different
#4 has tex rex written on it i think, i like the shape
#5 thought thats what it was but couldnt remember the brand name
#6 is cheaply made looking, no logo either

bass fishin' redneck


Ellie, tell me how the bait is swimming and what it looks like just sitting in the water.

I might be able to give you an idea of why it is not running correctly.

Ellie Mae

i believe its because the lip is not shaped evenly, it leans to the right... alot lol
my next one will hopefuly swim alot better, jaw jacker sent alot of lips, weights and blanks to use
bass fishin' redneck


does it lean to the side at rest or when it's swimming?

I told you that Rob would help you out.   He is a very cool guy to deal with.

Ellie Mae

at rest now that i think about it, might have needed more weight?
it looked cool when jerked though
bass fishin' redneck


You a little more balast weight.   Take a small spit shot and open the split real wide then squeeze on the shank of the belly hook.   That should be enough weight to get the bait sitting correctly.   It should run better at slow speeds but will roll over when you speed up.

That is a very good start to your crank making career.


"I'd rather be governed by the first 300 names in the Boston phone book than anyone from Harvard"
William F. Buckley


#2 on the left is a re-painted excalibur fat free fry and #5 on the left is a pop-R
Jared Rascoe-Minda Lures Pro-Staff
Stanley Lures Jr. Field Staff