Nanticoke River Open Team tournament - 6/15/08

Started by easternshore, May 11, 2008, 09:04:12 PM

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The Delaware BASS Federation Nation's Nanticoke River Open Team Tournament is sheduled for Sunday June 15th launching from Phillips Landing in Laurel, Delaware. A minimum field of 20 boats will pay 4 places with 1st place taking $700...

Pre-tournament draw meeting will be held Wednesday June 11th at 7:00PM at the Paradee Center in Dover, directions attached below. Entries will be accepted at the ramp the day of the tournament.


Entry forms are attached.

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Come on out and share the fun! This Father's Day, June 15th, the Delaware BASS Federation Nation will be holding it's 3rd open tournament of the year on the Nanticoke River launching out of Phillips Landing in Laurel. Anyone is welcome to attend.

Bring your Dad, or Dad's bring your kids! A great time to be had by all, not to mention some decent payouts for placing. The DBFN pays one place for every five boats, and awards a considerable $$$ lunker prize for the biggest fish of the tournament, which on the Nanticoke can happen to anyone.

Pre-tournament draw meeting will be held Wednesday June 11th at 7:00PM at the Paradee Center in Dover, directions attached below. Entries will be accepted at the ramp the day of the tournament.


Entry forms are attached.

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