Cypress Lake Fishing Report

Started by Sammy Joe, July 11, 2003, 07:28:14 PM

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well at lest we will have it for next years club tourny, and maybe win one.. ~roflmao


well im off to bed have to be at work at 2300hrs  ~xyz oh and since mike asked me I'll ask you where will the brush be located??


Quote from: Railroader on July 13, 2005, 07:28:20 PM
well im off to bed have to be at work at 2300hrs  ~xyz oh and since mike asked me I'll ask you where will the brush be located??

On the dropoffs.  ;)

Mike Cork

Well neither of these lakes are very big and my graph works great, I will have them GPS'd in no time :roll2: You better put a marker on them with your name attached ~roflmao

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


I was just thinkg a couple of days ago that I needed to go out there & mark some spots on my new GPS  ;D I know where lots of brush piles are scattered throughout the lake but looks like I may need to do some scouting!  ;) ;D


hey was wondering since i dont have a GPS could i follow someone that has one? james what kind of GPS do you have? is it hand held? im in the market for one since mine was stolen out of the boat.... ~xyz

Mike Cork

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service



Railroader, I have a Lowrance LMS332C color fishfinder/GPS combo that I got for fathers day. Haven't had a whole lot of time to play with it but used the GPS on Cross & it was pretty cool! I haven't had much experience with GPS & am learning it as I go.


We seem to have Hi-jacked the "Reports" thread once again so I am trying to clean it up a little.

For the talk about sinking trees...Sinking trees for fish cover!

KLSU, For your directions to Cypress Lake...Directions To Cypress Lake


Terry and I fished cypress last night and lost to M&M again  :'( . we had 10.88lb for 4th. terry had a big fish on it would have been good enough for 2nd but due to 10lb test line the fish won that round. he broke 2 off i broke 1. fished the same ole piers only had one bite after 8:30. so we need to change tattics. maybe pre-fishing would help.. we couldnt get the deep water bite to work so i think its time to give up on it and fish like everyone else cause there catching fish and where not.. but had fun anyway good company, good food we had kfc during  see ya on B/B

Mike Cork

Railroader, Buddy you are on fish just having trouble capitalizing, to be honest we only had 5 keeper bites all night, I missed two other strikes and so did might. Were they keepers who knows. If you broke off 3 fish and still brough a 10 pound almost 11 to the scale you were doing something right :-* 4th out of what 30 boats, yeah I am thinking I would stick with my same game plan and concentraite on capitalizing :-*

Noble and I cuaght fish basically one here and one there, several of our special docks didn't pan out this time :'( I did mangage to catch a 4 plus on a spinner bait that I would have swore was an 8 pound fish. The fight this fish put up made the hole night ~c~ Thank you fishy ~c~

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


From the reports I read week after week I keep hearing "we caught most of our fish before dark" I am certian that fish are caught after dark, but seems most of the tourney's are won before dark.
just my observation from the posts I read.


I fished yesterday evening also i figured that was you guys having that tourney!!! I really dont know the lake that well so i was just looking around thouhgh i did manage 4 fish....2 were on a grape/shade culprit worm and 2 on a skip jack....does anyone know were I can find some more skip jacks if thats even the real name??? Ive had 3 of them for about 6 or 7 yrs and dont reamber were i got them!!!   With those 4 fish probably would have weighed about 7 pounds!!!only fished till about 9 misquitos got bad!!!

Mike Cork

Papa, honestly we catch one or two fish before dark, but by far the bulk of our fish and the bigger fish are definately coming after it gets pleanty dark and the lake settles down. I guess I haven't paid much attention to what others are saying ::)

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service

Ron Fogelson

Quote from: TB44 on July 23, 2005, 12:19:20 PM
I fished yesterday evening also i figured that was you guys having that tourney!!! I really don't know the lake that well so i was just looking around though i did manage 4 fish....2 were on a grape/shade culprit worm and 2 on a skip jack....does anyone know were I can find some more skip jacks if that's even the real name??? Ive had 3 of them for about 6 or 7 yrs and don't remember were i got them!!!   With those 4 fish probably would have weighed about 7 pounds!!!only fished till about 9 mosquito's got bad!!!

TB44 I'm not even sure what kind lure you are looking for but I did want you to know we will keep asking around.  Could you describe it a bit?


Its a top water very simialar to a torpedo both the front and tail of lure come down to a point and have lil propellors on them!!!! fish it just like a torpedo with a twich and pause....hope that helps...


last night we had 4 fish by 8:30 and only caught one after 10:30 so i just hope i can get 5 before dark if not im lost.... :help: the spot we caught fish i fished it the last tourny from 7 till 9 and didnt get a bite, last night from 7:30 till 8:15 we had 4 fish and broke 3 off, so i just hope they will be there on the 29th or i will going home early.   ~xyz


Quote from: TB44 on July 23, 2005, 06:09:47 PM
Its a top water very simialar to a torpedo both the front and tail of lure come down to a point and have lil propellors on them!!!! fish it just like a torpedo with a twich and pause....hope that helps...
You are correct , it is a "skipjack" I have 1 but have not seen them for sale in years. I will however check around and see if I can find some.

dave the dope man

TB44 and Papa, I have about 3 of them....however, they aren't for my antique collection.......I will look for them for you though TB44........Dave

Siggy by DundeeMike


I havent fished with them in awhile either mine are from back way back when i was thinking i bout them about 7 yrs ago but i got to thinkning and thats not how i got them there from when my dad used to fish tournys.....its a real good bait i dont know why they arnt on the market anymore ?!?!?!? ive used them 3 times this summer and caught fish on them everytime!!!although whos to say those same fish wouldnt have hit a buzz or torpedo......anyone know who made them ??? ive got 3 left i believe a clear one with a lil pint on the nose, a black one, and a green one....hope i can find some casue my dad loves them....!!!

Mike Cork

TB44 put a post in the main forum under one of the Bass Fishing Tips and Techniques forums, probably the one about Lure Tips and Techniques, that will get you some nation wide exposure and someone out there might have a source :-*

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


 :-* TB44, Lurh Jensen makes a bait called the Woodchopper. It's made for Peacock Bass but is almost identical in design and the 3/8 oz is the same size as the skipjacks that I have. Bass Pro has them in their catalog. You may try the pawn shops...sometimes you can find some of the older baits in the bottom of some old tackle boxes. Hope this helps.

Siggy by DundeeMike


I'll have to look into that......


Fished Cypress Friday Night from 7 until midnight with Country and Jay.  We caught three total; 2 before dark and 1 after.  We were using TX-rigged worms, spinnerbaits, topwater, and rat-l-traps.  We caught the 2 before dark on worms and the other after dark on the rat-l-trap.  Country did have a fish strike a topwater late, but it missed the bait.  This is only the second time I've fished after dark.  What patterns are everybody else using at night?

Trey   8)
Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and you'll never see him again!

Red Ranger

Fished Cypress Friday night too - 7 to 12.  Fished being the operative word.  My son caught one small dink before dark on a horny toad.  Nothing after dark.  Tried dark colored slow rolling spinners, rattletraps, hula popper, jitter bug, Pop'r, buzz bait and big worms.  Fished from shallow to 15' and around docks, inside and out.

The weather was nice and it was a great night to be on the lake - just needed a bite.