
Started by Dinstarr, May 14, 2005, 09:20:36 AM

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Have you decided yet if you want to get rid of that 330 ...if you do let me know I am interested

Skipper (ripnlips)

Hey Dean, how you do in the BFL last saturday???


well looking at the bfl standings ...he and larn zeroed

Skipper (ripnlips)

I knew Lorne zeroed. He said he missed a couple on the spot I told him about. He also said it didnt take much weight to be in the money.


The guy with 47lbs in our tourney didn't fair to well either .....I guess his hole dryed up

Dean Machine

Sorry it took so long guys.  So you want to talk about the BFL.  Let's just say I was screwed from the beginning.  My pro (and I use that term because I have to) decided to go 36 miles to the north in dirty water.  We were number 2 to take off so I thought maybe he'll hook me up with some spot that received no pressure.  We take off and run into a fog bank :'( the dude has no clue where he was at :help:  We had barely made it to the main lake and I suggested we could go to one of my spots until the fog lifts ~shade Naw he says we'll get there. :o all of a sudden he says we'll start here, I have no idea where I am but we'll wait this fog out. :shocking: so we fish this spot that looked productive as the Mojave desert :help: :-\ well the fog begins to lift about 7 so we proceed north only to run into another fog bank >:( >:( >:(  To make a long story short we got to his #1 spot about 745.  Were fishin along and I am thinking please let this be over with.  Suddenly wham fish on.  I fight this fish for like 1-11/2 minutes and get it to the boat.  Easily an 8 pounder probably closer to 10.  The dude is standing there with the net as the fish is rolled over and tuckered out.  Suddenly the fish gets a second wind and runs again.  I fought it with all I had.  I get it back to within 3 feet of the boat and she spits my trailer hook >:( >:(  The pro then says for the next 20 minutes how much that fish cost me.  I never said a word cause I would rather keep huntin em than reflect on what could have been.  we fish for another 20 minutes or so he goes back to the spot I had her and back ends me.  I don't have a shot.  We head back south to ripnlips spot and he cruises right by it as he wants to talk to his friend.  another 45 minutes shot.  Finally we get to the spot, wham first cast on a horny, its locked up in the weeds.  Thought he'd at least try to get me there instead he is commenting on how it looks like she is stuck.  Come to find out at the weigh in, even if it were a 7 lber it was the big bass (5oo bucks) and that fish alone probably would have put me in the top 5.  But you know what, that guy didn't get a bite, so at least I have tat going for me.  In retrospect I am not going to let that ruin what was other wise a great week of fishing.  Slow or not the camaraderie was excellent and I'm already planning on next year.  Thanks for the great memories guys.  If you find yourself Shaws direction let me know.  they're catching 32 pound sacks at lake Murray.  I'll be there tuesday-thursday.  til next time

Dean Machine
Razr Rods Pro Staff, Trendsetter Tackle Pro Staff
2005 Nitro 929, 225 Mercury Optimax, Humminbird electronics

Skipper (ripnlips)

Dang it Dean, sounds like your pro needs some lessons in how to net a fish. That is a BIG BUMMER. Have fun at Shaw and we`ll see ya when you get back. Stay in touch on this site. Later

Dean Machine

thanks Rod,

I think that guy didn't want me to catch that fish.  Thoughts?  In the end though, since he didn't catch any fish he dropped so far in the standings for that region that he probably won't make regionals now. Bought the lake Murray and Lake Santee cooper map and my buddy has drawn all over it.  Has me going to spots that a scum frog is productive.  My kind of fishin.  Watch out for me at Okoboji. 
Razr Rods Pro Staff, Trendsetter Tackle Pro Staff
2005 Nitro 929, 225 Mercury Optimax, Humminbird electronics


I think i might need some fishin lessons next week, i haven't seen water in so long...I wish i was already there!  I really wish i could have gone to the DOD with you all!

Dean, i am really impressed with your it really you or just an evil cyborg twin?  I think he should have "slipped" and fell in the water myself, but whatever...
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity...



You deployed, or on an all expense paid fishin trip :-\

I bet Tracker wishes he was in your shoes!!! ~tumble

Lippum and Leavum
The BASS you save may be mine!!

Skipper (ripnlips)

unfortunately Dean is deployed and wont be back til september


If I was Deployed where I could Bass fish....jeeze, some guys have all the luck...At least it's almost over... ~c~
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity...

Skipper (ripnlips)

you better stop by when you get back home Bryan.....and you better practice fishing in a hurry cause we have some new fisherman this year that are whooping our butts, LOL

Dean Machine

I guess I can consider myself pretty lucky.  Feel slightly guilty that some guys are takin bullets and I'm out fishin, but in the end it is all for the same cause.  I know if anybody out there had this option they would do it in a heart beat. Now let's talk fishin.  So far I have tackled lake Wateree, Santee Cooper, and Lake Murray.  Guess I shouldn't say tackled, more like looked at.  Santee is is intimidating as hell.  Everything looks the same and it will take some time for me to think I am comfortable on that water.  Wateree is somewhat more predictable and easier to maneuver but it appears to be a crankbait lake, dean don't do crankbaits (at least not yet)  Lake Murray is the most beautiful lake I have seen. Period.  It has alot of humps and islands in the middle of nowhere so one has to be careful on maneuvering the water.  As an example, I'm cruising in 120 feet of water and the depth finder goes from 120 to 30 to 10 in a NY minute.  I shut her down to check it out, (the water is crystal clear)  Theres turtles and Gar swimmin all around.  Great place to take a break and watch nature for awhile.  Anyway, this lake seems to fish a little bit like Okoboji, at least that's how I am going to approach it.  Talk at ya later.

Dean Machine
Razr Rods Pro Staff, Trendsetter Tackle Pro Staff
2005 Nitro 929, 225 Mercury Optimax, Humminbird electronics


Okiboji doesn't have water moccasins though...
Retired USAF MSgt (1W071A)            2008 Triton Tr-196
Plattsmouth, NE                  Mercury Optimax 200
B.A.S.S   NE B.A.S.S. Federation   FoMNTT participant (never again)                   Omaha-River City Bass Club


Rod, you can bet i will stop in...and i have been practicing, or at least in my mind...i think i might have the Zen thing down, you know the whole "be the fish" thing...or has the heat and desolation affected my brain?!?!?  Jean told me the batteries in the boat are charged and ready so i should be on the water next week...
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity...

Skipper (ripnlips)

have a safe trip back, the weather here is great


I am BACK!!!  Wow was everything always this green???  Tomorrow the boat comes out of the garage and gets cleaned up, then it gets wet!  I guess i better get a fishing license now, right?

It sure is good to be back!!!
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity...

Skipper (ripnlips)

I would say welcome back but after that spooning remark you can take your butt back to the desert.... ~tumble :roll2:


Nope, I am back for least I hope so...what's wrong with the spoonig remark, I thought it was kind of funny...
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity...

Skipper (ripnlips)

yea, you and fricking everyone else...............But I`ll get even somehow

Dean Machine

I missed the spoonin remark
Razr Rods Pro Staff, Trendsetter Tackle Pro Staff
2005 Nitro 929, 225 Mercury Optimax, Humminbird electronics


It was asked how Rod and Jerry fit in the back of Rods sleep presumably...
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity...


The things that make you go mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Dean Machine

Hey Brian,

Welcome back.  You gonna fish the woods trail this year?
Razr Rods Pro Staff, Trendsetter Tackle Pro Staff
2005 Nitro 929, 225 Mercury Optimax, Humminbird electronics