No Hang Vibra Shock

Started by Lee Smith, February 04, 2008, 08:14:44 PM

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Lee Smith

Having trouble getting your Vibra Shocks hung up in the trees and limbs while fishing?  Sunday we fished in the thickest brush and lilly pad stems you could find with not one hangup.

We attached a 'Hijacker' on the back and ran the trailer from the hijacker to the hook, made the lure completely weedless!

I purchased these at Barlows but you can get them alot of different places and they also come in stainless if you prefer.

The hijacker caused 0 problem with the lures action as far as I could tell,,,,,,,the fish didn't mind  ;D

Below is a pic of the set up

Good fishin,

Builder of Custom Personal Bassin' Rods


Thats pretty cool Lee  ~c~  I'm going to have to try that this year, Thanks for sharing  ~c~


Thats a great tip. Never would of thought of that myself.  ~c~ ~c~ ~c~


Cool, a weedless vibrashocK.......I have to give that a go, thanks for posting Lee  :-* :-*
2020 IBASS Gold - Zone 2 - AOY
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Lee Smith

Just wanted to clarify, the clips I use are called "Hitchhikers"  not HiJackers.  A very keen person noticed this for me, On my invoice they where Hi-hickers, short for Hitchhickers LOL. 

Oops  ;)


Thanks Webbaster
Builder of Custom Personal Bassin' Rods