Started by Lipripper, April 22, 2005, 02:01:31 PM

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Mike Cork

I posted this last year in a different section and thought I would start my bloopers off with some else's issues. Always makes me feel better to know there are folks out there worse than I before I start telling on my self :roll2:

"Laws of physics" how about people that know them and know how to use them?

Out west the lakes are prone to major draw downs (200 ft is normal), and because they are canyon lakes the ramps are very steep. Well on this particular sunny day, we got back from a day of fishing to find a man teaching his wife how to back up a boat trailer. Now I must say that a ramp with people waiting is no place to teach someone that is brand new to the game of how to back up a boat, so at first I was a little "irritated" but everyone has to learn some where so I settled into my boat seat and enjoyed the show.

This guy was obviously a fairly arrogant gent with allot of attitude and a big fancy jet boat with a fancy yellow and red paint job, gigantic exhaust pipes coming off the top of a huge chromed out motor. Looked fast anyway. His wife is trying to back the boat into the water and he is walking beside the front of the boat holding his launching rope. As the trailer starts to turn to far one way he yells at her to cut the wheel the other and then it goes to far that way and he yells turn it the other way. Well as the boat almost jack knifes he hollers "stop and pull up and try again". After about the third time of this he is really getting pist because she can't get it straightened out and has to keep pulling up, the number of people waiting to launch our pull out is growing and I guess his ego was getting the best of him because his attitude is getting enormous and his voice is getting louder and louder. She tries it again no luck and but now she is yelling back, a few bad words are exchanged and a couple names were called. She settles down and calmly pulls back up for yet another attempt or at least I thought.

She starts backing down the ramp but rather quickly this time and the trailer once again starts to jack knife and because she is going rather quickly the guy yells at the top of his lungs "STOP" so she does, hitting the brakes and throwing the gear shifter into park. You hear the grinding of the transmission as it was still rolling when she hit park, the tires bark and finally the vehicle stops. But the boat didn't, that beautiful fast looking boat slid right off that trailer in one fall swoop and landed flat on a coregated ramp. Well much to everyone surprise the gal didn't hesitate for a split second and put the vehicle in drive and left that guy standing there with his boat on the ramp holding his launching rope. Well now what, it is a one lane ramp, two if you both know what you are doing! So everyone that was watching felt for the lady and wasn't going to take and crap from the guy. About 6 men waked down the ramp and didn't even say a word to the ole boy they just pushed his boat along the coregated ramp to the water to get it out of the way.

The next day we went back to the same lake as the fishing was pretty good and that boat was still tied up to the dock. The good news is that all the fiberglass that was left on the ramp obviously wasn't enough to wear a hole in the bottom of that boat!

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Mike tell the one about the lake that was down and the guy tied his boat off toa tree and then the lake came up.


Mike Cork

oh yeah, I forgot about that one too, oh and you know what it was a ranger as well. I have to go right now but I will get it told for sure :-*

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service

Mike Noble

Yeah, that is a great story too.

And Papa...isn't there a chance for a blooper everytime you take Trey fishing?  lo
Life is a B........each!



Ask me about PROTANDIM


More than a chance, but I have to be honest here, IT IS NOT ALL TREY :'(
PAPA :-[


 :-\ No bloopers, no need to be  :-[ we will only  :P ya a little  ~an~

United States Air Force 1994-present


OK back to the top it was getting lost and eye have one to put here from my fishing trip but don't want to have it get lost befor that time  ;D

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


OK here is the one from my fishing vacation  :-[
While eye was on my fishing vacation I had the two Buzz Baits I was suppose to be testing out well I had a new rod and reel with new line on it (fire line) so I tied on the first one and I usually use a palmer knot with the fire line but it would have been a little hard to tie on the Buzz Bait that way so I used a diffrent knot but didn't wet the line befor I drew up the knot. So anyways I put both hands on the reel and swung it back for a long cast and when the rod came to the 11:00 o'clock position the Buzz Bait took off and keeep going and going and going and going the splash it hit the water but the line wasn't tied to it anymore  lucky for me I had two of them Buzz Baits so I retied and this time I wet the line befor I drew it tight  ;D and now that was a little  :-[ but John didn't see it  ~sweat or he would have  :P me good. But eye did test the other one and will do a report on how it worked for me so Laurie  ~shhh don't tell Sqworm Tackle about this one  ;) that got away  lo lo

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet

cable guy

i was fishing a tournament at truman lake and was in a creek fishing spinnerbaits, well my partener had me come to the front of the boat to parrallel the bank. i seen a huge bumble bee flying around my hat, next thing i know, the bee had craweled down in my shirt, well needless to say it got under my arm, and stung me 6 times, before i could get the tee shirt off, my partener didnt know what was wrong with me. i came out of the shirt on the front deck, and seen the bee trying to crawl out, no way was he going to live after that. i started jumping up and down on the shirt. the bee was dead and i had #12 nike tennis shoes tracks all over the white tee-shirt. it was the talk at the way in how bad my partener stepped all over me  :roll2:   :roll2:    :roll2:   :roll2:
god grant that i may live to fish until my dying day and when it comes to my last cast i then most humbly pray when in the lords safe landing net i"m peacefully asleep that in his mercy i be judged as good enough to keep. member BASS,ILLINOIS FEDERATION


 :roll2: :roll2: Now we are getin somehwere, with the bees and the buzzbaits, bees and buzzbaits lo lo Work good together

United States Air Force 1994-present

Fishaholic did Mike escape without givin' us a blooper about him?  :roll2:


He hasn't fish eye was giving him time to do it on his own without  :P him  ;D but that time is just about up  :roll2: :roll2:

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet

Mike Cork

Well I guess I can no longer avoid this thread :roll2: I only have about 300 bloopers in mind and don't know which one to start with  lo

Fishing a tournament here in Louisiana in January, the morning temp is a brisk 60 degrees and the lake is like glass. We take off knowing a storm is coming but it is supposed to hit around weigh in time so fishing should be great and it was.

About 1 pm the storm started rolling in and the wind got pretty bad. We are up in a cypress tree grove pitching jigs very tight to trees. The waves coming into the tress are swelling probably 2 feet or better. So we have our sea legs going but fishing away.

We have a really good sack in the live well but want to top it off with a hawg, so heading for cover was not an option.

Well as we ride up on one swell and come down the other side my boat control wasn't the best and on the way down the side of the boat hit one of those cypress trees, and in one fell swoop, as if I had just decided to jump in, I was standing in the water up to my chest.

My partner in the back of the boat had no clue. Because the wind and waves were making so much noise and he was facing the other direction he didn't see or hear me fall out. As I throw my rod back in the boat he turns around. Now I am clinging to the side of the boat as it is washing back over me. The water is shallow and I wasn't in danger but because of the way I was hanging on he couldn't see me. All he knew was that I was gone and no were to be found. The look on his face is the only thing that kept me from getting extremely mad, instead of being upset I couldn't do anything but laugh, infact so hard that I couldn't climb back in the boat :roll2: That poor guy thought aliens had zapped me right off the front deck and left him hanging :roll2: On the way home he was telling me how he looked up and seen the rod falling and I was gone. Like I just disappeared. I got to laughing so hard again that I had to pull of the side of the road and regain my composure ~c~

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Now that's a blooper  ~c~ :roll2: :roll2: :roll2:

Mike Cork

The panic on that guys face was so funny, at least the shock of hitting the water was over :roll2: If it wasn't for that I think the rest of our day would have been a little grumpy. And cold, that 60 degree morning turned into a 40 degree afternoon :'(

Hey I forgot to mention we did win the tournament after all that :o but they wanted to DQ me for an illegal depth finder :roll2:

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


   :roll2:   :roll2:   :roll2:
       :roll2:   :roll2:


I am not sure how you would classify this so here it goes. I was fishin on Saturday evening and was using a bobber and squid for some char. I see my bobber getting toyed with, so I am now standing up, just a waitin. Well, the bobber goes under and I set the hook, right away the drag is a whinin, I was thinkin ALLRIGHT, my buddies came down with the net, and were gettin ready to see the big one. Drag is still whinin and I am a fightin this for about 10 minutes. Upon landing the fish, there are 2 trout on the same hook  :shocking:  Yep, thought I was fightin a good 4 pound char, but instead got a two for one deal  It was rather funny though with me and my buddies thinkin there is a big ol char on there ::) lo

United States Air Force 1994-present

Creel Limit Zero

Well, it's about 3 years ago today, just a little past 6:00 AM.  Just rented a small row boat at Loch Raven Reservoir, threw my trolling motor on, two batteries, 5 rods, already rigged up, cooler, tackle box, everything is loaded up.  So now I go back to my car to get my fishing buddy.  My 70 pound German Shepherd.  She always goes fishing with me when no one else will.  She loves being out on the water, and she especially enjoys watching the ducks.  She never gets in the water, but they always interest her.

Take off from the dock with the trolling motor going.  I grab one of my rods with a deep driving lure on it, figure I might as well troll while I head over to one of my favorite coves to hit up. 

So here's the setting, I am in the back of the Jon boat, coffee in one hand, rod I'm trolling in the other, the other four rods leaning over one of the seats, with all the hooks secure and hanging over the side of the  boat.  And Bronwyn standing on the front of the Jon boat, that's my shepherd's name, not my choice but when you rescue a dog with a name they already respond to, you keep it.  She sees a flock of ducks flying in and landing in the water on the right side of the boat.  She jumps over to that side of the boat to get as close as possible without touching the water.  I spill my hot coffee on my pants, and the four rods fall over, the Zara spook comes unsecured and lands on the grounds behind my shepherd.  She then steps back as the boat is rocking and steps right on the Zara spook, gives out a yelp and starts pulling her back leg away from the lure.  Of course it is hooked up to the rod so as she pulls, it pulls back on her and she keeps yelping.  Here I am in the back, spilt coffee all over myself with another rod I'm trolling in my hand.  I finally calm her down so she'll stay without pulling and I cut the line from the rod.  I then pick up her back paw to examine how deep the hook is and if the barb is in her.  It barely looks like it is in, so I decide to see if I can just slip it right off.  Well, this was the dumbest thing I could have did.  You guessed it, she felt the hook move, gave a yelp and pulled her paw.  The lure then snaps out of my fingers and right into my thumb. 

At this point we have managed to start going in circles, because all the while my trolling motor was still going.  Everyone else is watching and hearing because every 15 seconds, she yelps, pulls, and I   :'(  as the hook in my thumb goes deeper, all the while we are travelling in circles.  At this point, I somehow manage to get in the back to stop the boat.  Another boat rolls up to us, probably more curious to see what kind of idiot could have gotten himself into this predicament.  I look at him and his son with this sad look  :help:

I can not get to my tackle box, so he hands me some clippers.  I manage to cut the hook off the Zara spook on my side of the lure.  Now we are free from each other.  That was a relief, because I was starting to think we were going to be attached for life.  Because of all the pulling, the hook in my thumb had gone in the front and out of the side.  I could now push the barb out the side of my thumb, cut the barb off and take it out.  I then clip the rest of the hooks off the Zara spook on my dog, so all that is sticking out is one hook.  Unfortunately, the clippers I had and the nice father and son that came to my help, we not strong enough to clip the one in my dog.  I have to go to shore and get another pair to get it out of the dog. 

Well, you guessed it, the lure I was trolling has now got tangled up in the trolling motor.  I never got the chance to pull that in.  Well, to prevent from dragging on anymore, I managed to untangle it, get to shore and get the last hook out of the Bronwyn's leg.  I was too angry to be embarrassed, but I could feel the eyes from everyone at the dock staring.  Well  ~xyz them I figured.  Dog's leg was fine, my thumb hurt, but who cares.  I'm catching some fish.  Did manage to land a few bass, but the biggest thing I caught that day was a 70 pound German Shepherd...

Javelin 409

I pulled a no brainer this past Wed in our club tourney.  I pulled the keys out of my boat last weekend, put them in my truck b/c we left town for Memorial Day.
My buddy hooked his truck up to my boat at 3 a.m., we launched at 5:20... I went to start up and didn't have any keys!!  Skipper launched us, somehow, I drew #1 and happened to tell him I didn't have keys.  He took it upon himself to mention that at launch...nice of him.  I dropped the trolling motor and proceeded to fish.. wondering what the heck I was gonna do.. screwdriver, knife etc.  After 20 minutes, I remembered I had a spare set in my boats glovebox, after sorting through the 9 keys, I got cranked up.. boy was I happy.   :surrender:


 ~c~ ~c~ :roll2: lo lo Now them sure are some BLOOPERS keep them comeing  ;D   

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


Well as you all know I havent had the boat in the water since Memorial Day weekend  :'( and geuss what happened when I put it in this past weekend. You guessed it FORGOT TO PUT THE PLUG IN  but caught it in time before I got it all the way off the trailer.  ~c~


Glad you told it, I said I wouldnt say a word  :roll2:


DAWG thanks for sharing that with us  lo lo at least you caught it befor you got the boat all the way in the water and off the trailer  :roll2: :roll2:

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet



I can top that launch the boat, park the truck, got the dog out, headed for the landing, dog jump in to the boat and then out. I looked in the boat it is seating on the bottom with 8 inches of water. Then hit the pump wait five minutes and load the dog and off fishing. not bad for opening day in Michigan.