First problem with my new boat!

Started by mlakrid, November 20, 2007, 01:54:36 PM

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Ranger Customer service has sent me the part which they think is causing the issue; HOWEVER< the local Ranger dealer has blown me off in three attempts to contact the Ranger dealership.

Their view is PI$$ Poor... they bascally said they would not help me unless I purchased the boat from their, and that they would do warranty work on other Rangers based on if their boat stall was empty...

If you were me what would you do?

Ranger ignored my statement about the dealership ignoring my call... how are you NOT going to call a customer back after FOUR calls, AND they already have my Ranger registration #???

Mike A!
A Bad day on the water is still better than the best day at work!!@!!


okay, that's some pretty bad customer service.  What's the problem?  How about some history on it.


This prblem is the first which I wasn't able to fix on my own is what I should have said...

This is the third in a series of electrical issues...

First it was my trolling motor, and it was caused in part due to a bad circuit breaker, that when I take down to my dealer I will have replaced...

Next it was all the electronics, I dont know what happened but three days later it kind of "fixed itself"... I think me cleaning the batteries could have fixed it, but I can not be 100%

Which brings me to now... the livewell pump stopped working, if I open the hatch I can hear a hummmmmmmmmm but no water gets pumped into the well???

SO I called the local Ranger dealer, they took my serial # down, and the recpetionist said she would have someone call me back, all I wanted was my livewell pump fixed, since then I have called three more times each time leaving my name, boat problem, and contact info and they have yet to even try and contact me...

That is when i contacted Ranger Customer Service... they asked what was happening I explained it, and the service representative seems to think it is simpls as the pump filter is blocked up... it COULD be that but I doubt it, if it was, you would think SOME water would get into the well...

If this doesn;t fix it, I will be calling Ranger again, and telling them they need to conatact the local Ranger dealerhsip and have them fix it for me...

If I get the run around, I will goto the press or the State Attorney's General... I didnt pay 30k for a boat to be ignored... this is rediculous, and I am thankful that this far the reanger custimer service has tried to alleviate any problems; however, I still feel like if they had called the local dealer and told them to contact me and fix this, I wouldn't be feeling upset about the whole situation...

You being an outsider, please be honest, amd I being overly demanding, or is this a case of bad service?

I guess the way I feel is it is no different than buying  car, you goto ANY FORD dealer and they will fix your warranty coevred issues because they now they get the $$$ back from FORD corporate...

Mike A!
Land O Lakes...
A Bad day on the water is still better than the best day at work!!@!!


I would be driving it up to the Ranger dealer and pitching a bitch fit.


i would be looking for a different brand


Go to and ask some folks .They have some serv tech's from r&h marine just north of flipping on that site. They are very help-full on tech problems and any other ranger issues...


You need to contact the Better Business Bureau and the NMMA.  According to the NMMA, a particular branded dealer CAN NOT deny service work on their brand of boats, regardless of where the boat was purchased.  Now, they can put you wherever they feel like it in line (with us, boats purchased from us go to the front of the line) but they can not tell you they will not work on your rig.  They do not have to have it done in a timely fashion, but they do have to accept it to work on.  Check for other Ranger dealers in your area. 

For your livewell pump, is it equipped with the Flo-Rite valves?  Is it a recirc or fill pump that is not working correctly?


Here are two dealers in the area.  I do not know which dealer you are using now.

Land o' Lakes Marine


Hoppy's Marine and Sports Center

I have heard good things about Hoppy's and if they are not your current servicing dealer, it may be worth it to give them a call.   ;)


Quote from: AB on November 24, 2007, 11:57:29 AM
Here are two dealers in the area.  I do not know which dealer you are using now.

Land o' Lakes Marine


Hoppy's Marine and Sports Center

I have heard good things about Hoppy's and if they are not your current servicing dealer, it may be worth it to give them a call.   ;)

Thanks AB...

I wont name names; however, it was one of the two dealerships you listed, AND it was the OTHER one you didn't have any opinoin about...

Mike A!
A Bad day on the water is still better than the best day at work!!@!!


That is horrible service!!  I would contact the BBB, Ranger, and the dealership, and keep every correspondence in writing, so later if it gets worse, you have proof you tried every avenue to get it fixed.  Or, I might just go up there and show my a$$, depending on how my day was going.
Doctor says I should stay away from other people.


on the other hand, seems to me the dealer said they'd help you out, but would prioritize to folks who had bought direct from them...that seems fair...

So, either the boat isn't fishable, or it any rate, seems to me that if you'd just drive it over, talk to the guys and drop it off I would bet they'd get to it reasonably quickly...

But I'd sure think about going in easy and nice instead of pitching a fit about what's transpired to this point...once there, if service isn't up to snuff (not including timeliness here, that's already been covered) you might want to call the home office.

It's possible they haven't called you back because they're busy.  While not necessarily an acceptable issue, this may well be a good time to go down an meet them in person...have you done this yet?  If so, hopefully there aren't any restraining orders in place...


Quote from: coldfront on November 26, 2007, 03:35:58 PM
on the other hand, seems to me the dealer said they'd help you out, but would prioritize to folks who had bought direct from them...that seems fair...

So, either the boat isn't fishable, or it any rate, seems to me that if you'd just drive it over, talk to the guys and drop it off I would bet they'd get to it reasonably quickly...

But I'd sure think about going in easy and nice instead of pitching a fit about what's transpired to this point...once there, if service isn't up to snuff (not including timeliness here, that's already been covered) you might want to call the home office.

It's possible they haven't called you back because they're busy.  While not necessarily an acceptable issue, this may well be a good time to go down an meet them in person...have you done this yet?  If so, hopefully there aren't any restraining orders in place...

NO restraining order... LOL...

And yes, I hav spoken to the dealership in question in person... also, as I said I called four times with no return calls...

IF they were going to work me into their schedule... then I would think they would call me back and tell me what days are available...

It was the owner who spoke to me about the fact that their owners come first; however, when I called the other three extra times I would have thought they would have at a minimum called back.

It is no sweat off my back except the dealership is right down the road from me... it's a convenience thing...

I am still enthralled with the performance of my boat... I just kept hearing one of the things which seperated Ranger was their customer service... I have yet to see that part...

I did recieve the pump part the ranger customer service in Flippin believes is the defective part, it came in the mail today.

The story continues...

Mike A!
A Bad day on the water is still better than the best day at work!!@!!


good luck...

I've worked the 'customer service/tech service' side of business (food mfg) now for over 14 years...won't 'take sides'...and you are right:  it seems out of character as to what would be expected from a Ranger org...or any 'customer focussed' group for that matter...


Quote from: mlakrid on November 26, 2007, 08:44:18 AM
Thanks AB...

I wont name names; however, it was one of the two dealerships you listed, AND it was the OTHER one you didn't have any opinoin about...

Mike A!

Now that's funny.

Issues are issues and should be addressed by the dealers and Ranger but.......

Why would you say you will not name the dealer but you do it anyway in a sneaky manner? I guess you can say you did not say it however, give me a break did anyone not see "Land of Lakes Marine"? Give them a call daily until they respond. If you do have an honest issue with them say so and keep on them.

It's funny how you sneaked their name by not saying it.

If you call the BBB or your State AG your going to have to tell them who it is, not who it's not.......

James 4:8,
Skeeter Boats Demo Team,
Yamaha, Minn Kota,
Humminbird, Navionics, Luck"E"Strike, Stay-N-Charge, BassWishes Tackle


Quote from: JEVSkeeter on November 27, 2007, 09:46:26 AM
Now that's funny.
Issues are issues and should be addressed by the dealers and Ranger but.......
Why would you say you will not name the dealer but you do it anyway in a sneaky manner? I guess you can say you did not say it however, give me a break did anyone not see "Land of Lakes Marine"? Give them a call daily until they respond. If you do have an honest issue with them say so and keep on them.
It's funny how you sneaked their name by not saying it.
If you call the BBB or your State AG your going to have to tell them who it is, not who it's not.......

Well... you got me...

I was doing it BOTH as a "read between the lines" joke and to be moderately funny... but as a customer, I believe I already did the right thing... I did call them back another three times from the time they called me back originally... with no response...

SO... I did exactly what you suggested, I called Ranger...
Ranger Customer Care phone line was SUPERB, the part is already here...

I also called Ranger back to find out what if anything they will do about the "other" dealership... if I don't get a satisfactory response then I will get a good phone numebr to Ranger Corporate, and keep pushing the issue, until I feel it has been resolved...

Mike A!

A Bad day on the water is still better than the best day at work!!@!!


I believe is some states the lemon law applies to boats also.


Yeah, but something like this would not fall under lemon law...generally, most of the lemon law cases are when the vehicle or vessel in question goes in for the same issue multiple times.   ;)

I think that sticking on the horn with Ranger corporate is the way to go, the management at the helm of Ranger is not going to let a dealer soil their good name.  Remember, even though Genmar is in control, ol Forrest Wood still has a large influence over the company.  Ranger will do what it takes to make you happy. ;)


always thought that the 'lemon' law did not have to be for the same problem...unlike a 'bad' product, that would just seem to be incompetent service...  but I'm no lawyer and I definitely did not stay at a Holiday Inn last night..


Quote from: mlakrid on November 27, 2007, 03:41:19 PM
Well... you got me...

I was doing it BOTH as a "read between the lines" joke and to be moderately funny... but as a customer, I believe I already did the right thing... I did call them back another three times from the time they called me back originally... with no response...

SO... I did exactly what you suggested, I called Ranger...
Ranger Customer Care phone line was SUPERB, the part is already here...

I also called Ranger back to find out what if anything they will do about the "other" dealership... if I don't get a satisfactory response then I will get a good phone numebr to Ranger Corporate, and keep pushing the issue, until I feel it has been resolved...

Mike A!

Good deal. My dealer will be in Flippin Thurs. Fri. this week. PM if you need any help with follow up.
I drive a Skeeter but ran a 518 for years and that just did not sound like Ranger.....

James 4:8,
Skeeter Boats Demo Team,
Yamaha, Minn Kota,
Humminbird, Navionics, Luck"E"Strike, Stay-N-Charge, BassWishes Tackle