Night fishing and boat lights....

Started by Roba22, September 30, 2007, 08:55:21 PM

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Ok I have a night fishing question that has kind of brothered me all summer. Well to be honest it has brothered me for as long as I have been night fishing but I have never just came out and asked this question before becasue i was worried I might stir up a mess.   I am not 100% sure of the TN state law but I have always believed that all manually driven vessels MUST exhibit both bow and a sternlight, from sunset to sunrise when not at dock, powerd or not right??? 

If I am correct then why do i keep seeing fisherman/boaters NOT doing this?  I ask only because I want to be sure I fully understand if that is the law that everyone should live by or if there is something I don't know about.   I have only got out night fishing a couple times this summer but it never fails that while I am out I see the same things at leats once a trip.  for example. Boats ONLY turing their running lights on if they are under power or while fishing turn them on if another powered boat gets closer. I have also been fishing and seen a boat come in under lights only to turn them off once they get to a spot and the only way you can see them is their black lights. As other boats came into the area we were in they would flash their lights to signal they were there and then back to black. Most of the boats I see do this are bank fishing as I would say that 99% of all boats out in the channels/ running areas have at least some kind of bright light on if not their running lights then some spot/bait lights.   I know that the bugs drive you nuts and I hate the glare off my stern light too.  I also know that a black light works better if they are the only light...  BUT  i would never not have a light on so that others could see me.  Maybe thats just me but i also thought it was the law.   So i'm asking you all know how you feel about it.  Have you ever seen boaters turn their lights out too?  Am I wrong about the law?   is it different from state to state?   
There's Nothing BIGGER Than The Heart Of A VOLUNTEER  Go VOLS!!



In NC/SC you must have your bow and stern lights on at night all the time. Have seen people get tickets for this PoPo, as well as almost run over :shocking:.

FYI an old white sock on the stern light will cut down the glare while fishing, but you can still be seen. :-*


Its a law in alabama to have them on at all times, but i always fish with mine off until i see another boat approaching.


I don't know why people Night fish with lights out it does not make you catch any better. I have night fished 20 years, till swimbait fishing came along the past two years. Done a bunch night tourneys and placed in top 5 in many. I saved my money when it came to black lights when we were beating the guys using them. My partner fished many years lights out till we teamed up together and he saw that there was no change in catching with lights on. I put a small strip of black tape on the inside of the back running light so that the guy in back is not blinded but can still see. It does not spook the fish or big fish we have got the big ones too. If you think you are going to do better with lights out, your not. you are just going to have a harder time seeing LOL!



I know it is the law here in Ohio too. But I prefer to leave mine off.
I have seen the fish spook real easy in the lakes around me.
If you fish cumberland for stripers at night you'll have the off or get blanked. Mind you I'm against the bank and if I see the another boat I flash mine or leave them on until I'm alone agian. Night  vision is also sooo much better when you eyes ajust to the night.
  Proud Father of an American Soldier 
Proud Grandfather of 6!


Navigation lights help you and other boaters determine which is the give-way vessel when encountering each other at night. These lights must be displayed from sunset to sunrise and during periods of restricted visibility, such as fog.

These red and green lights are called sidelights (also called combination lights) because they are visible to another vessel approaching from the side or head-on. The red light indicates a vessel's port (left) side; the green indicates a vessel's starboard (right) side.

Sternlight: This white light is seen only from behind or nearly behind the vessel.

Masthead Light: This white light shines forward and to both sides and is required on all power-driven vessels. (On power-driven vessels less than 39.4 feet in length, the masthead light and sternlight may be combined into an all-round white light; power-driven vessels 39.4 feet in length or longer must have a separate masthead light.) A masthead light must be used by all vessels when under engine power. The absence of this light identifies a sailing vessel because sailboats under sail display only sidelights and a sternlight.

All-Round White Light: On power-driven vessels less than 39.4 feet in length, this light may be used to combine a masthead light and sternlight into a single white light that can be seen by other vessels from any direction. This light serves as an anchor light when sidelights are extinguished.

Precautions at Night
Make sure your navigation lights are working correctly, and carry extra bulbs.
Use an all-round white light whenever the vessel is at anchor.
Reduce speed and proceed with caution. Never be in a hurry.
Be especially alert for everything in front of you. Avoid traveling alone at night; extra eyes can help you navigate.


Excellent post Spetro, now I need to follow these rules and get some lights rigged up on my boat......(I haven't fished in my boat at night yet, but I will do in the future).

2020 IBASS Gold - Zone 2 - AOY
2020 IBASS Classic - Winner
2020 IBASS Team Tourney - Winner (with FD)


I was not talking stripers, I just bass fish LOL, but I would like to know how are you seeing that you are spooking fish at night with running lights? I mean you can't see much at all even in clear water with running lights on. If it is from water movement it could be carp LOL! Then I would say you are to close, When you get to close you can spook anything day or night.  Lets see, our best weight in a night tourney with lights out is 21 lbs, our best with running lights on is 37 lbs and a 33 lb limit. It does not hurt for bass fishing with them on. I have had all the proof I need. I guess to each there own.
Good luck!



Most of the people I know turn there's off down here. The mosquitoes will tear you up with them on.

George Welcome

Boat lighting is not just state law, but federal also. However, what's a law but something that is meant for the other guy?
George Welcome

Ultimate Bass Approved Bass Fishing Guide


JMO.. But to me this is Common Sense.. Even if Tom, Dick or harry Didn't do it, I would for my own safety and that of other boaters......I know some people fish smaller lakes, and perhaps most do not get out on the water hauling  :ass at night, But there is always that one  :ass that will and without lights..... I would rather get ate up by mosquitoes than try and remove a 20 foot boat from my rear end or otherwise......If a person isn't responsible enough to practice boat safety, then they shouldn't be behind the wheel..........


Well, After reading all this I've made a decision. I'm still going to turn my lifts off at night while fishing! ;)

Allen Shadd

JMO, but have any of you sat under a street light and tried to look out into the darkness and see something or someone as they walk up to you? Or even sat in your house at night in a lighted room and looked out through an open window (without the glare of glass reflecting light) and tried to see something outside that wasn't lit up? To me that's what it's like trying to fish at night with lights on in the boat. I'm not talking about navigating under power, mind you, I'm talking about once I get to the spot that I intend on spending some time there to fish. Aside form the bugs being attracted to it as well. While I'm sitting in one spot, if I hear an approaching boat I turn lights on well in advance of them being anywhere near me. But it's kind of like using a camera to take a picture, the flash illuminates everything in the foreground but the shutter doesn't have time to adjust to the darker objects a little farther out. My eyes adjust better to seeing things in the darkness when I'm fishing without a light.


Night Boaters get CREAMED when they least excpect it....sorry to say :(


Well it's common sence. If I'm running, of course I have my lights on. If I fished open water where there's a chance of a boat running over me, I'm turniung my lights on. If I'm fishing a bank line, out of possible boat traffic. I am not turning them on unless some idiot comes running down the bankline. This does not happen. If he's in a position to hit me, he's gonna hit a dock.


This is the reason I don't fish night tourneys anymore!

I like the white sock idea :-*! Keeps your partner from being blinded and people still see you!


Quote from: Beagle on October 01, 2007, 07:08:32 PM
If I'm fishing a bank line, out of possible boat traffic. I am not turning them on 

Hmm isnt cops suppose to follow the Local,State & Federal Laws?

This isn't being a good role model for the younger generation.

Allen Shadd

Quote from: spetro on October 01, 2007, 07:01:38 PM
Night Boaters get CREAMED when they least excpect it....sorry to say :(

Spetro, not that I've been lately, but where I generally night fish, there won't be a problem with someone running fast enough to cream anything unless they want to lose their lower unit first. ;) Have you ever fished in Rodman? ;)


I am understanding both sides to this, I really am.. I have been in areas where I have night fished and ABSOLUTELY knew noone was out there or running in the area. So no big deal, your fishing close to the bank or in a nowake zone or in a stumpy area..BUT with that being said, Though you trust your judgment and experience out on the water, You have to factor in and ask yourself the Question WHO IS OUT HERE WITH ME?? YOU do not know....Someone who may not know where they are running and very well could end up on the bank, into a dock, a stump field or your boat. Let's face it, I have seen the Morons drive like Crackheads in broad daylight, I dam sure ain't taking a chance with them in the dark.... Though I know I am an experienced boater and can hear boats coming etc.... It's just good common sense to use your lights, even with the sock over it or switch to a blacklight. Something that will stand out either way...... Imagine me (though i use my lights) running across the water wideazz open and it is absolute darkness so I have half a clue i know where i am running and then BOOM lights out of nowhere, Not only does this grab your attention rather quickly, It could cause you to make a sudden move that could put you into a bind etc....and what if at that moment prior to your lights coming on, your battery went dead, your fuse blew, your bulb blew and your lights don't come are  ^-^...........To each his own, I know it is a pain fishing with a light, But like i said earlier the alternative will be worse and the consequences unforgiveable........Be Safe and Be Wise...Happy Fishing!!


Quote from: Allen Shadd on October 01, 2007, 07:19:20 PM
Spetro, not that I've been lately, but where I generally night fish, there won't be a problem with someone running fast enough to cream anything unless they want to lose their lower unit first. ;) Have you ever fished in Rodman? ;)

Sorry Allen.  If you get nailed and someone is killed or hurt, and you were running with no lights or anchored with no lights....If I was the lawyer.....I'd have a FREE pass.  $$$$$$$$  ~shade


I know it can be a pain in the  :ass for reasons stated but the game warden won't care if you can't WOT or not at least in Illinois you better have them on or pay the fine.

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


I always leave my lights on at night...if the person on the back deck wants to  ^-^ about the light, they can either join me on the front deck or buy their own dam boat... lo

The only time I shut my lights off at night is if I am tucked way up in the weeds, well out of sight and out of harms way, with a little like I said, I always leave my lights on... lo lo


Quote from: AB on October 01, 2007, 07:41:13 PM
I always leave my lights on at night...if the person on the back deck wants to  ^-^ about the light, they can either join me on the front deck or buy their own dam boat... lo

The only time I shut my lights off at night is if I am tucked way up in the weeds, well out of sight and out of harms way, with a little like I said, I always leave my lights on... lo lo
It's like anything else Associated with Fishing.......You ADAPT..... ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~


Yep, After reconsidering again. I'm still turning my lights off to fish at night lo!