Horny Toad "Slippage"

Started by bass_101, July 10, 2007, 09:59:54 PM

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This past Sunday I was prefishing for my tournament on pool 10 of the mississippi river.  We were fishing horny toads heavily in the different types of grasses and mine kept slipping down.  I had never seen or heard of "toothpicking" a horny toad, but it is just one way to be able to fish the same bait longer and you don't have to adjust it a lot.  Simply rig your horny toad like you normally do.  Then, Take a SQUARE toothpick and shove it through the horny toad, through the eye of the hook, and out the other side of the toad.  This keeps the bait from slipping down the shank of the hook.  If this is an old trick that has been around for awhile, just say so.  LOL It is new to me so I thought I would share it anyway.  If anyone has trouble understanding the steps-- I can get pics...

Indian Creek Lure Co. - Pro-Staff


Go to the parasite link on the site, and order some parasite clips, they will cure that problem, i promise you. Chuck has made a great product to stop this from happening. Check out his weights also. They are worth every penny you will spend on them, and then some.  ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~


Yep, our Ultimate Bass sponsor "Parasite" makes clips designed for just this situation.......
......but thanks for sharing your tip  :-* ~c~ ~c~
2020 IBASS Gold - Zone 2 - AOY
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   Def. a job for a parasite clip.  I Dont fish any plastics anymore with out a parasite weight or clip.  ;)


What everyone else said!  PARASITE!  I had one on my frogs the other day and they never slipped down.
If you build a ramp...I will come...


A drop of super glue does the same thing and lasts longer then the frog will.


Well i use swivel to stop the horny toad or etc.. from slipping down the hook.  Heres how i use it...  before you tie on the hook place a swivel on to the line.  Then tie on your hook, then hook the toad threw the head, then place the swivel end thats oppsite of the side with the fishing line over the barb of the hook and slide near the middle of the toad, then hook the toads legs.   now if you try to slide the toad down the hook it wont slide..... TRY IT and let me know what you think......


Quote from: ss454 on July 11, 2007, 01:06:00 PM
What everyone else said!  PARASITE!  I had one on my frogs the other day and they never slipped down.
Quote from: shawnrg33 on July 10, 2007, 11:55:41 PM
   Def. a job for a parasite clip.  I Dont fish any plastics anymore with out a parasite weight or clip.  ;)
Quote from: Bassinkorea on July 10, 2007, 11:43:10 PM
Yep, our Ultimate Bass sponsor "Parasite" makes clips designed for just this situation.......
......but thanks for sharing your tip  :-* ~c~ ~c~
Quote from: Blazer210ProV on July 10, 2007, 11:37:48 PM
Go to the parasite link on the site, and order some parasite clips, they will cure that problem, i promise you. Chuck has made a great product to stop this from happening. Check out his weights also. They are worth every penny you will spend on them, and then some.  ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~ ~c~

That a pretty god tip I never thought about that, but I think the above is the best solution to the problem.  The wivel does the exact same thing also a pretty good tip koz303.  We got some thinkers I never would have thouht of those
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Steven Felder

Another vote for the Parasite Clip! Do it right the first time :). God Bless!