Lake levels

Started by BassBoss 10lbr, May 13, 2007, 12:37:04 PM

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BassBoss 10lbr

Man is it ever good to see some water in our lakes again. This is the 1st time I have seen Thunderbird at normal pool in 2 years. Shawnee Twins has close to normal pool in lake no#1, I think they still have problems with the dam on lake #2. Overhauser has over flowed the spillway and now the Oklahoma River is at it's highest level. Our Central lakes are doing great at this point in time with muddy to stained water conditions. The fish populations are going to grow faster then in recent years due to the inflow of all the insect, plankton, and crustaceans floating into the system. We have been blessed by our creator with the rainfall. Ok I have to get my butt to the lake so "tight lines everyone".
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                Give a man a fish you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime.

Barney Leonard

It sure is nice to see the lakes full again,Thunderbird was getting pretty bad.I was up at Keystone this week and it is 15 feet above normal.Debris was all over the lake but when we left it was getting better.I'm posting a pic of the dock at the New Mannford ramp where we put in at.