Cane River Natchitoches Bass Fishing Reports

Started by cmegee, February 14, 2005, 04:57:29 PM

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Weekend was tough for serious fishing. Went out and caught a limit but they weren't all big. 11 lbs.  15.5 took the check home.
Fish are still on about every pattern known to man, a little flipping, cranking and drop shotting was done by everyone.
Water temp was 54.5 at the afternoon weigh in.
Next few days should help.

Mike Cork

Thanks for the report cmegee 54 degrees, won't be long now

Fishing is more than just a hobby

Dobyns Rods - Monster Fishing Tackle
Cork's Reel Service


Hope not, really time for me to catch some fish...


Went this evening, water temp 58.9. Caught 7 fish 4males, 3 females. all on crankbaits in 6-10 foot of water, staging i think. Females all released including on that blanked out my 5lb scale, estimated about 6 1/2 to 7 pounds.


Went with cmegee yesterday (2/22/05) and caught three in an hour or so.  All were good fish b/w 3 and 4 lbs.  Shallow bite,  flipping reeds.  Water temp was around 63 and moderately stained.  It is the right time, unfortunately cold front on the way.


Hey doc,
aren't you supposed to be operating on someone.....


Never during the prespawn/spawn/postspawn.


I think the cold front is here Doc..

Welcome to the site ;)

Chris... check out the main site page.. you are on the front cover lo



hey cmegee, i was thinking about coming to cane river in a couple of weeks. what's going on down there? any help would be appreciated.


Hey shawn sorry I haven't posted, been without a puter at the house for a couple of weeks, man its been good and bad, got to spend a lot more time with the family.....leave it at that...just kidding,
really the fish are full into spawn right now, a lot are being caught in the upper end of the lake in the reeds flipping and pitching tubes and jigs.
there have been some big bags coming out this past weekend it took 26 pounds to win a open tournament don't know exactly what or where put I'd bet pitching.

good luck and let me know when you're coming up.


A tough weekend for the second of 5 couples tournaments.

Tournament 2 was held on Cane River and it took only ounces to win.
1st place was 10.88
2nd               10.78
3rd                10.34

most had problems catching 12" fish, a lot of smaller fish were caught. Most caught fish on spinner baits and floating worms.
Bass are in between the stages of spawn and post spawn with most fish weighed in having already spawned out , with a few still holding eggs.
Fish slow.


Well this isn't really a BASS fishing report but, my wife and I and some friends went bream fishing this weekend and found a great bed site. While we kept around 83 or so eating size, we all had a great time catching fish and enjoying the company of our wives and friends. Bream are bedding up really good right now and we tore them up on crickets.



I just recently moved into a house on the cane real close to the fish hatchery!  And I was wondering if you could send me some info about the cane I have never fished it for anything!   Wondering what to throw at the bass, where, and depth.   And the same for the crappie if there is any!.....implaning on bringing my pirogue down there and hope to do some damage. :help:


We hit Cane River for a while Sunday morning before the storms rolled though, just for a fun morning of fishing after the Bayou Outdoors Festival and tournament on Saturday, sort of to relax. Porter Trimble and Ken Starks of V&M Baits, myself and a couple of touring BASS pros, Pete Ponds and Cliff Pace (both on the V&M pro staff) had a friendly day on the water, all in all around 25 fish caught mostly on top water and soft plastics, we caught most of our fish on the V&M Bayou Bullfrog as well as a real bull frog that would have been over a foot and a half long stretched out.
Great day with a bunch of great guys.


Nakatosh Bass Anglers had our club tournament on Cane River last Saturday. It took a little over 15 pounds to win, while my 13.58 was only good for 4th. A lot of good fish were weighed in. Water temps are around 66deg, and semi clear. Most limits were caught on spinnerbaits, but the better fish were caught flipping creature baits around the shallow reeds. My two over 5 were caught on a V&M punch craw and hightail. Watermelon red, dipped in charturese were the best colors for me.


I was wondering how the lake was looking now, I will be passing by on my way to toledo bend. I used to go to school there at NSU. Let me know how you guys are doing in the lake maybe i'll give it a shot.
David Billings
OIF Vet- Army


Im at NSU right now I live on the cane the other afternoon I caught 2 off my dock on a brush hog besides that no went about 2lbs the other was a dink.


How deep is the river now? Have you fished sibley lake lately? Is the water over there clear (river and lake)? I think I would like to fish the river but I also am curious about the lake.
David Billings
OIF Vet- Army


The river is at full pool and I ran yo yos on sibley last week and caught 50+white perch and catfish no bass though on shinners....and as for the water color its about the same....slightly stained.......