Feb. 8 Techniques, baits, and colors you use for specific weather conditions

Started by MotherNature, February 07, 2005, 06:04:46 PM

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Pond In Oklahoma,crstyle clear water and lilly pads and about 60 degrees in spring.
Iwill use a spinner I thought but these bass wern't stupid they knew the difference between reall and artificial so I through them a 6 inch tequela sun rise power worm and bumped bottom and the fish went nutts.I guess it looked more real :)
Early to bed,Early to rise
Fish all day,Then make up lies!!!

Jared LeBlue

Now I like a Plum worm on a clear lake when the skies are clear. The clear redish color that plum gives in the sunlight seems to be really effective.
Ardent Prostaff


Laurel Lake, Kentucky, Clear blue bird skys equals tough fishing but my go to bait is Norman 20 plus this bait gets deep and picks up some good bottom feeders.


e On sunny days in the early sprig run-off I like to use a 1/8 oz gold spinner. The color seems to match the bait fish pretty well, and the sun helps the flash factor. I have had pretty good luck with this at both Chatfield and Cherry Creek Res. in Colorado.

Where are we going...and why are we in this hand basket???


Right now in the dead of winter On Clarks Hill when the fishing is tough we throw a shad color Yozuri Hardcore shad crank bait It will run about 11 ft deep and if the water is dingy we throw a crawfish color #7 shad rap The yozuri is holographic and it really flashes light

Jared LeBlue

Ok my favorite bait time. Rattle traps. I like to throw a tequilla rattle trap when there is cloud cover and the water is clear to stained. This is a great color for cloudy conditions because it has the blue and pearl in it that makes it visible in these conditions.
Ardent Prostaff


the rocks just north of the Loch Raven Blvd. bridge(bridge#1) provide great cover for smallmouth during the mid-summer in LR res., MD. Cast small crawfish color crankbaits by the rocks as you drift away from the bridge(north). ive had great luck with smallies here in early morning with overcast skies. Rebel crawfish crankbaits have worked best for me.


Cherokee lake , Tennesse , cool fall days when prime fishing season draws to a end I usually do well with a advocato cabin creek tube, the smallmouth must like the slow fall and I already know that color is great.

Ron Fogelson

Crash a buzzbait into cover chartruse and white or white in and around any docks cypress trees bankline laydowns and cover

The weather condition that provoked my choice is calm early summer days best at dawn and dusk or can be used all day on over cast days with great results

why it works, the buzzbait gets bass steered up but steering it into cover & deflecting it of is the trigger that big strike.

I use this method mostly on Bistineau and Cypress Lakes LA


Upper Silver Lake, Michigan

Madd Mikes Crawdad

Mid summer, mild conditions overcast and 70-75 degrees

Works wonders for smallmouth bass when you work this lure at openings for channels/boatdocks when you throw by any kind of rock cover. Try in the 4-10ft water range, a slow retrieve and jerk every now and then works wonders....you must be patient


Bass Lake, Indiana
Late April, Early May, calm, cloudy and bright
1/8 oz. red and white Beetle Spin

On the Northwest corner of the lake there's a flat that is probably 10 acres throughout this flat are subtle points, humps and reed beds, first thing to do is look to see if there's otherr boats holding to an area, if there is, start there (common practice). cast the Beetle Spins retrieving them just fast enough to tick the weeds on the bottom and try to maintain as constant a retrieve as possible. This lake provides some unbelievable crappie action...generally we only keep crappies over 12" from this lake.

As the sun starts to set, start working your bait closer to the shorelines as the walleye start to come into the shallows it's not uncommon to limit out on crappies, and then start catching a few nice eyes before it's time to leave.


Bodcau Dam...During the summer when the crawfish are running & the shad are active, I walk the banks throwing a clear tiny torpedo on bright sunny days. Work it real fast down the edge of the bank & rocks & the bass will kill it! The sun reflecting off & through the clear torpedo looks to the bass like a shad going crazy across the top of the water.

I have caught 20-30 bass in an hour doing this. My wifes biggest bass (5 1/2 pounds) was caught fishing the same way!

Jared LeBlue

In the summer when the sun is high and the water is clear it's hard to beat a silver and blue rattle trap. The sun reflect off the silver and blue gives it a glimmer like many bait fish that are around that time of the year.
Ardent Prostaff


Douglas Lake Tennesse, hot summer nights a 10 inch red shad powerworm is great it targets bigger fish and can be drug slowly around structure. This is just the best color on this lake.


Lake Humphreys
2 days ago late winter,cloudy and still,temp. was 52

went crappie fishing with a white jig that didn't work so I went to bass assasin tubes"green".

I moved fast and then up and down,then I moved slow.That worked because the crappie are'nt ready to spawn,still moving slow.
Early to bed,Early to rise
Fish all day,Then make up lies!!!


On a bright sunrise of a clear sky day from first light to the first hour a gold double willow leaf blade 3/8 oz white skirted spinner bait is killer rolled between the buck brush where the summer pool water has backed way into the shallows. The blades look like a herd of bait fish skitten away from a preditor!

One of my favorites is a Preditor spinner bait. The blades clack together occasionally and help call the bucket mouths to breakfast!
So much to learn...such smart fish!


Woods Creek Lake, Kentucky, This lake has alot of docks with lights around them at night during the summer a fluke is great the lights draw up shad and that brings hungry bass I just put the fluke out there in the shad and Hang on lol.


Hardy Dam Pond, Michigan

Early summer in the mid to low 60's, in the overcast conditions

Wild Thing in pumpkin seed

Work the wild thing in 2-7 ft of water over rocks and get ready for the small mouth to rip some lips. They love the look of the crawdad working in and out of the rocks. Let it sit a couple of seconds before you give it a foot jerk or so.


In the spring on warm overcast days when the bass are schooling and feeding on the shad we throw a pearl white fluke on a lead head  Just cast into where fish come up and they nail it on the way down. Most of the time when they come up they are killing the bait and they eat it as it sinks


Lake Michigan, Southern Shore, Indiana
April, strong wind coming out of the West, hazy to overcast days are the best.
1/4 oz. white Rooster Tail

In April the coho start to come into the Southern waters of Lake Michigan and congregate near the warm water discharge units of the power plant...usually, if you fish at the warm water discharge itself, you'll be fighting a crowd of anxious fishermen, but, if you wait for the days with strong West winds, the warm waters from the discharge due to wind current will drift towards the Michigan City breakwalls...and that's exactly where you want to be, casting your spinners parellel to the breakwall on the West side of the breakwall, use as constant a retrieve as possible, usually a medium to medium fast retrieve is required. The spinner works because the cohos are looking for an easy meal at this time of the year and there's always a lot of minnows and alewives along the breakwalls.


Cherokee Lake , Tennesse, windy summer mornings a buzzbait is a great choice the fish are feeding before the heat of the day. And the buzzbait cant be resistted by a hungry active bass.


Waurika Lake,Oklahoma
It started to rain on day in late noveber and I was on the lake taking up my buddys trot lines and I noticed that there was a huge school of sand bass running I thought thats weird in the fall but sain the heck with it I will try them and I through a weedless black and yellow Rapal spoon and started to reel,had no time for tecnique they just struck the spoon and took off.
Early to bed,Early to rise
Fish all day,Then make up lies!!!


Douglas Lake, Tennesse, windy winter days makes for some tough fishing, a small bitsy bug jig does heat things up sometimes its a compact bait that gets around structure well. Trailed with a zoom chunk jr it makes for a tempting little bait.


Norris Lake, Tennesse, hot summer evenings is a great time to throw a fluke  around fresh water outlets. The fish come up to cooler water and feed on shad so the fluke plus great oxygen levels equals good catches.


Grand Kankakee Marsh, Indiana
5/8 oz. Assassin - Bettencourt Baits
June, after the spawn, low 80's, clear skies

June is the month right after the spawn and the bass are pretty aggressive, big surface baits are starting to take a lot of fish. I usually use a dark brown to black colored bait, cast the bait out as far as you can...let it sit...if you smoke, light one up and don't move the bait until you've finished your cig, or in my case, approximately 4-5 minutes...first movement is a violent rip, let it sit for just a minute, then give the bait a couple really short twitches...if the water explodes great, if not, retrieve the bait quickly and cast it out again 20 yards or more from where you initially threw it and repeat the process. This is a trophy bass bait and technique!