Look what I got in da Mail!!!

Started by scwildbill, January 05, 2007, 07:55:49 AM

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Yep that's right!!  I got me a Gen-U-Wine One-of-a-kind Clock for the Garagemahal, so's I can tell what time it is when I kick all the guys out!!!  ~roflmao ~roflmao

I got it mounted right over the "Beverage Dispensers" in da Garage right next to my girlfriends poster!  ;)

Thanks very Much Fogy and UB for allowing us to hang out here! You guys are really a class act!
Proud Team Member of the Palmetto Posse



Very nice wouldnt mind having one of those myself .................................................(The clock)LOL
U.S. Army Military Police Corps. The Force of Choice, and Serving Those Who Serve.



Alright, somebody needs to fill us in on these!  Where can we get them and how much do they cost?  That is way too cool.

Looks good Bill.  One of these days I'd like to visit the Garagemahal.


Uhhhhhhh.....Errrrrrrrr...... I can't reveal my sources as to where I got it...But it came in the mail.... Not sure if they're for sale and if they were.... I don't think I'd tell cuz then I wouldn't have a Gen-U-Wine One-of-a-kind!.....

Oh and OHbassaholic you'd be welcome to da GarageMahal anytime yer in the area!  ;) ~beer~
Proud Team Member of the Palmetto Posse

Ron Fogelson

Quote from: OHbassaholic on January 05, 2007, 08:31:31 AM
Alright, somebody needs to fill us in on these!  Where can we get them and how much do they cost?  That is way too cool.

Looks good Bill.  One of these days I'd like to visit the Garagemahal.

Money won't buy you happiness  ~roflmao

Sure glad you got it  ~gator I figured the head company was going to keep it  lo

Bass Jones

 Cool! Thats pretty bada**
Got a mean Bass jones,an' I need a fix! Jeff J..Fish Hard!!


Quote from: Fogy on January 05, 2007, 08:40:49 AM
Money won't buy you happiness  ~roflmao

But dollar bills will get you started in the right direction, eh.  '-{


Dang now we gonna have to learn how to tell time  :bang......And with no numbers on it
we really gong to have a hard time with it.... :bang :bang


Bummer don't worry the rest of us will help you with it ;).... When the Big hand reaches the Keelshield and the little hand is on  Heavycover then the Garagemahal is open....

When the big hand AND the little hand are both on Keelshield yer ass better be in bed!  ~roflmao ~roflmao
Proud Team Member of the Palmetto Posse


I got one too.....Thanks!!!  Its hanging in the Heavycover sweatshop where the CEO, laborers, and accounting associates(which is all me) make all those spinnerbaits.  Thanks Foggy and UB!!  ~c~ ~c~


You mean I DON'T have a Gen-U-Wine One-of-a-kind :-\ ~rant ~rant

Well at least Keelshield is at the 12oclock position! That make us Special!  ;)
Proud Team Member of the Palmetto Posse


Quote from: scwildbill on January 05, 2007, 09:05:12 AM
Well at least Keelshield is at the 12oclock position! That make us Special!  ;)

Not on mine!!  :roll2: :roll2:  You aint special Bill. :roll2:



Is you tellin' me that I got a run of the mill clock that's not "special"? :shocking:

Someone must of made a mistake....Mine has Keelshield at the top!... Yer seeing the pic for yourself... ;)

I know I'm special cause my momma told me so!  ~an~
Proud Team Member of the Palmetto Posse


Sorry buddy but I got Heavycover at top center  ~c~




 :bang ~rant :bang ~rant ;)

Well I guess what they're telling us is that all UB Sponsors are special and should be at the top!  ;)

That's great and I KNOW I'm more special than Eric cause my momma told me so!  ;) ~roflmao ~roflmao ~roflmao
Proud Team Member of the Palmetto Posse

Creel Limit Zero

That is sweet right there.   ~c~  One of these days I'll have to make an appearance at the Garagemahal.  I'll try to bring the right  ~beer~  Is that Bud Light.   ;)


Nice looking Clock WildBill and all ya'll sponsors belong at the top  ~c~ ~c~

Kats Rule And Bass Drool.Viet Nam Vet


Creel... You would be welcome in Da garagemahal but the Bud Light would be tossed out da door!!....Sorta like what I did to Bummer the very first time he showed up with a welcome gift.. He walked in, introduced himself, and asked what to do with the beer. I said that I would take care of it then opened the door and threw it in the yard:

Now I didn't know Bummer at all and had never met him. You should have seen the look on his face when I did that :shocking: :shocking:... The whole Garage went quiet and Eyes got wider than hell... Nobody believed that I did it!!  ~roflmao ~roflmao ~roflmao

But once he knew the rules ... All was well!  ~beer~ ~beer~ ~beer~

Proud Team Member of the Palmetto Posse


Thats why I'm bring the Schlitz Malt Liquor and MadDog 20/20 over tonight..... >:D

YOu know me I never learn my lesson.... :bang :bang


And momma said you were more like a Red Headed Step-Child.....I guess you can consider that "SPECIAL".


Creel just remember the Silver Bullet when you show up.